





During a break on the set of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen — described to us as a "remote air force base" at an "undisclosed location" — horror franchise reviver and blockbuster director extraordinaire Michael Bay hopped on the phone to give us the scoop on the Transformers sequel, his other projects in the works, and his reaction to that Dark Knight script circling the Internet with his name on it...

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What can you tell us about Transformers 2? Or, better yet, what will you tell us?
MICHAEL BAY: When we were writing the script, I said to the writers, "I hate sequels that try to make it to the third movie. Pretend like we’re never having a third movie, so let’s go for broke on the second one. I hate those cliffhangers! Let’s just make this movie stand on its own." I really feel this movie is not a forced sequel. I think the script is really good, and I think it’s got a lot of new stuff in it. There are a lot of rumors out there, but we’ve released a lot of fake stuff. We’ve done a really good job of keeping things secret.

Can you give us a hint of something that is true then?
[Laughs] No.

C'mon, anything?
There are some great, new robots that are really inventive.

You recently wrapped production on your update of Friday the 13th, and horror buffs out there are dying to know: what's it going to be about?
It’s a reconception of the original. We’re introducing a whole group of new kids. What we always try to do is add a little bit of freshness to these movies that were really scary back then and update them for a new audience.

AFTER THE JUMP: Bay continues on Friday the 13th ("You’re just not going to believe the first 12 minutes!") and talks Ouija boards.

So are you following the same plot as the very first Friday the 13th?
It’s a little different. I don’t want to give it away because of the Internet crazies.

There's been rumors that you're going to include plots from all three Friday the 13ths into your remake. Is that true?
The first two, yeah.

Where did you film the Crystal Lake scenes?
In Austin, where we also shot Texas Chainsaw. Austin gives you a lot of looks.

Is there anything else you are willing to divulge about it?
I haven’t seen the director's cut because he’s still cutting, but I know this one will really be scary; it’s also funny, as well. It’s a fun college adventure that goes awry. It’s not a movie I would ever show my mom! (Laughs) We don’t make these for our mothers; we make these for the fans out there.

Speaking of those fans, what do you say to people who are worried that an update of Friday the 13th will ruin the original?
There are always haters out there, and you can’t get rid of that. We try to be faithful, and we’re fans ourselves. It’s like when I did Transformers — I listened to the fans, you know, but you still have to make your own movie by respecting what was done and trying to give it a whole new twist.

How have you given it a new twist?
You’re just not going to believe the first 12 minutes! It’s a twist in itself.

And you’re actually working on a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street, too, right?
Don’t know yet. We haven’t made our deal, but it’s worth every penny.

What are you working on next? Ouija?
It’s something we’re playing with, yes. I’m just producing it.  As far as being a director, I’m not sure what I’m doing next.

What will Ouija even be about?
We’re just meeting with writers now. There’s a plot that I actually wrote the outline for; we’re just trying to get the script right.

Finally, I just have to ask, did you happen to see the "Michael Bay's Rejected The Dark Knight Script" floating around online?
[Laughs] That’s complete bulls---! I might’ve read one line of that.

Did you find it funny at all?
It’s just, where do people find all of this time?

[ 本文章最後由 墮落牧羊人 於 08-8-24 21:40 編輯 ]
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紅色是我極度不確定, 因為牽扯到正式的翻譯(名稱,人名,公司名...etc.)

在電影-變形金剛:墮落者的復仇 中的一段休息時間 -- 向我們敘述著一個

偏遠的秘密空軍基地 -- Horror Franchise Reviver 和百視達的主要主任

Michael Bay突然在變形金剛續集中搶先打了一通電話給我們, 他的其它計畫中的企劃, 和他對黑暗騎士的


EW: 你能告訴我們關於變形金剛2? 或是說..你會告訴我們什麼?

MB: 當我們在寫劇本時, 我和其他的編劇說 [我討厭讓我再做第三續集的續集]

      假裝我們不會再有第三集, 所以我們在第二集破壞那些會讓人想看第三集的鏡頭吧

      我討厭那些懸念鏡頭! 我們就讓這個電影獨立自主吧.

      我真的認為這個電影不是一個被強迫出來的續集. 我覺得這個劇本真的很好, 而且我認為裡面

      增加了不少的新要素. 外面有不少的謠言, 但是我們放了不少假消息. 我們保密的工作很成功.

EW: 那你能不能透露一點提示或是一點點真正的劇本?

MB: (笑) 不行.

EW: 拜託啦, 一點點也好

MB: 裡面有些新的機器人很棒, 而且真的很創新.

EW: 你最近在十三號的星期五在更新中把電影的上映包了裝, 外面的恐怖片愛好者都渴望的想知道到底是怎麼樣.  

MB: 那是一個拿原著重新構思的構想. 我們在介紹一團新的孩子. 我們每次都試著要在這些真的嚇人的電影

       中加一點新鮮的要素, 然後把這些刷新後呈現給觀眾.

ATJ: 麥克貝先生持續在十三號的星期五中談論靈應牌(Ouija boards) .

        (你絕對不會相信這訪談前段的12分鐘的!) 所以你打算延續最初版電影的劇本?

MB: 會有一點不同. 我不想弄得完全不一樣. 因為網路上那些狂熱的影迷們.

ATJ: 謠言傳說你要把原本劇情全部包含在新片中而且要重新改編, 是真的嗎?

MB: 最前面的兩點, 沒錯.

ATJ: 那你在哪裡拍水晶湖的場景?

MB: 在Austin, 就是拍德州電鋸殺人魔的地方. Austin給你許多場景.

ATJ:  還有沒有你打算要洩漏的東西?

MB: 我還沒和導演見面因為他正在剪接, 但是我知道這片真的很恐怖. 他同時也很好笑.

        是那種大學生冒險中出了岔子. 它不是那種我拿來讓我老媽露臉的影片! (笑)

       我們不是為了我們老媽拍片, 而是為了影迷拍片啊.

ATJ : 說到那些影迷, 你打算怎麼和那些怕新片會糟蹋原著的那些影迷說?

MB: 外面永遠都有些仇視的人. 而且你也沒辦法排除掉他們啊.  我們會嘗試著有信心, 而且我們自己也

       也是影迷啊. 就像當我拍變形金剛-- 我聽取了影迷的聲音, 你知道, 但是你是要尊敬自己的拍完電影

ATJ: 你是如何給電影一個新的扭轉(不同點)?

MB: 你絕對不會相信前面的12分鐘的! 是電影中自己的扭轉.

ATJ: 然後你其實也要重製 艾姆街的夢饜, 對吧?

MB:  還不確定耶. 我們還沒達成協議, 但是拍的話, 每分錢都會花得很有價值.

ATJ: 那你接下來要弄什麼? 靈應牌(Ouija)嗎?

MB: 那是我們正在搞的, 沒錯, 我正在拍攝那個. 就以導演來說, 我還不確定接下來要拍什麼.

ATJ: 那靈應牌將會是什麼?

MB: 我們目前只有和原作者談論. 那有許多喬段其實是我大概勾勒的 ; 我們只是想弄對劇本.

ATJ: 最後, 我只想這麼問, 你有預料到在網路上的提出被麥克貝拒絕黑暗騎士劇本嗎?

MB: (笑)  那是胡扯 --- 我還可能讀了一行那個.

ATJ : 你覺得那個好玩嗎?

MB: 只是想說, 大家怎麼都這麼閒, 去找這些東西啊?


除了紅字橘字之外, 應該還是有一些翻譯上的瑕疵, 請各位大大也幫在下挑些錯誤吧.

[ 本文章最後由 otenkoz 於 08-8-25 12:29 編輯 ]

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Friday the 13th也是電影名稱,叫十三號的星期五,似乎要重拍第一集......

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