

作者:絲諾莉莉 Snowlily        轉貼:自巴哈姆特

藍帖回答:「小D的 hot 在大型副本定位,直接治療法術在五人小副本比較有作用;如果你是問『補缺額』的補職,那是神聖牧。」

我們(小D)的單體治療沒有聖騎好,我們的團體治療沒有薩滿和牧師的好,我們的賣點 hot 又因為那些 PVP 的不懂恢復德在22競技場上優秀的原因一直哭哭,結果害我們被 NERF。

Our single-target heals aren't as good as a pally's, our AoE is inferior compared to Shammy & Priest's, and our signiture HoT has been nerf repeatedly to mediocrity because of the pvp QQ-ers have no clear understanding of why Resto Druids excelled in 2v2 but had to pick something to whine about and the devs (who apparently don't understand either) placated them.
So this is our destiny? Our role has been reduced to be 'fill in the gap' healers? Gawd, this is depressing.



In our minds, your go-to spells when healing anything bigger than a 5-player group are Rejuv, Regrowth and Lifebloom. You are probably not benefiting your raid the most if you are chaining Healing Touch on the tank while the paladin is trying to keep everyone up with Beacon of Light.

治療之觸、迅癒及野性痊癒是非常好用的技能,但是他們的設計走向是針對小副本或團隊緊急時使用。如果整個團隊同時受到大傷害,這時候就是使用的好時機。如果有個 DPS 大失血但你沒時間放生花而且迅癒CD中,那就用治療之觸。
Healing Touch, Swiftmend and Wild Growth are all very useful spells. But they are intended to be used in smaller group or when something unusual happens in a raid. If the entire group takes a lot of damage at once, that's a good time for Wild Growth. If a melee dps class is very wounded and you don't have time for the bloom and Swiftmend is on cooldown, go for the Healing Touch.

如果哪個職業是「補缺額」的補職,那一定是神聖牧。神聖牧的技能多元且強大:他們有單補、團補、瞬補及 hot。基本的團隊補職構成(不過不是唯一的配法)是一奶騎加一奶德補主坦,然後加上一個奶薩負責團體,最後再讓神聖牧打游擊。我們也在想辦法讓戒律牧的定位跟奶騎差不多,不過相較於奶騎的快速治療,戒律牧會更加注於傷害的避免。
If any class is the "fill in the gap" healer, it's the Holy priest. Their strength is in versatility -- they have single-target heals, group heals, instant heals and hots. The standard (but by no means only) way to heal a raid is to have a Holy paladin on the tank along with a Resto druid, have a Resto shammy AE heal the group, and then put the Holy priest wherever you need them. We are also trying to get the Disc priest into a role similar to the paladin, but based more around damage avoidance than efficient, quick heals.

雖然這代表牧師很全方位的   不知是褒是貶   但補缺額真的很累.....因為我是練牧師的= =+
而這次的改版也十分無力    雖然不是80及的天賦點數    但牧師的未來.....恩......我想我還是愛她的.....

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