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總評分:  聲望 + 6   檢視全部評分
themoonzero  好多@@  發表於 08-12-1 19:58 聲望 + 1 枚
沁池  感謝參與!  發表於 08-12-1 17:41 聲望 + 5 枚

Name: Rut Sewen
Male Human Fighter (LV 9)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Age: 25
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 120lbs.
Eye: Pink
Hair: Pink
Skin: Light Brown

Str 18/62
Int 12
Wis 15
Dex 15
Con 11
Cha 08

Hp: 57 (10,7,4,1,10,10,8,2,5)

Weapon Profriency:
-Short Sword
-Dagger or Dirk
-Short Bow
-Footman's mace
-Two-handed Sword

Nonweapon Profriency:
-Cooking 1
-Riding, Land-based 1
-Fire-building 1
-Mountaineering 1
-Survival 1
-Tracking 1
-Reading/Writing 1
-Artistic Ability 1


Main weapon Short Sword +3 (wt. 3)
Armor Leather Armor +2, Helm (wt. 15 + 5)
Shield Small Shield (wt. 5)
Secondary weapons
-Dagger x2 & Dagger +1 hidden in left boots, back hip and small of the back (Wt 3 total)
-Short Bow (30 Arrows) (Wt. 2 + 3)
-Blowgun disguised as a flute Hanging on neck (blowdart w/ paralyze poison x10 hidden in the belt) (wt. 2 +1)

-Riding Horse (or camel?) named "Dirty Perry"
--Large Sack #1 (Wt 0.5)
***Canvas 3 ft. wide x5 (Wt 1
***Painter's Kit (Wt 2)
--Large Sack #2 (Wt 0.5)
***Dried Rations x6 (Wt 6)
***Dried Meat x2 (Wt 2)
***Dried Fruit x6 (Wt 3)
--Large Sack #3 (Wt 0.5)
***Extra set of clothes & Boots
--Bedroll (Wt 10)
--Saddle Blanket (Wt 4)
--Saddle (Wt 35)
--Bit & Bridle (Wt 3)
--Mancatcher (wt 8)
--Chainmail (wt. 40)

--Wineskin x3 (Wt 3)
--Spyglass (Wt 1)
--Small Sack #4
***Writing Ink x2
***feather Pen x2
--Paper x4
--Hooded Lantern (Wt 2)
--Lamp Oil x3 (Wt 3)
--Extra set of clothes
--Potion of invisibility
--Potion of extra healing
--Flint & Steel
--Chalk x3

-(Wearing) Vest, Hose, Belt, Riding Boots, Desert Cloak, Leather Gloves,
-Belt pouch #5
*** 26 Gold pieces
*** 14 Silver pieces
*** 33 Copper pieces
-4 platinum pieces hidden in various parts of body.

Short and wiry, looks ridiculously weeny for a mercenery. Combine with his pink eyes and bright pink hair (from a curse by a vindictive mage long ago) it was always hard for him to be taken seriously, an advantage that he exploited to the fullest. Neck and most of the upper body were covered by a large patch of burnt scar.

Borned in an outback village, Rut was from a long line of mercenery family and the youngest of the eight. Due to his frail health as a child and diminitive size, he was already marked as a failure from birth. That bother him little, as he had no stomach for barbaric ventures and had always wanted to be an artist instead.

When he was 16, Rut finally left home to pursue his dreams, but the rigors of real life and his not-so-impressive artistic talent had driven him to poverty. In desperation, he fell back to what his family were most proficient in: Soldier-for-hire, and discovered that he was in fact quite good at it. Now, to fund his artistic dreams, he reluctently picked up the sword and walk the path that his family had traveled for generations. A sellsword.


Tempermental, stubborn and self-centered; the personality of an artist. Considered himself honorable, but his honor only last as long as his ego.

Nor really an evil person. On a good day he might even behaved like a paladin from heaven. It's only that he was absolutely obsessed with his "art" to the exclusion of everything else.


勒.修雲。AD&D2。第一次跑 PBP 用的傢伙。存活時期大概是一年左右吧。

粉紅頭髮加上身形瘦削,不像戰士的戰士,本身也不當自己是戰士。會當拿劍的只是因為他畫的畫沒人要,從野蠻人老爸遺傳的戰鬥血統卻是比藝術天份更明顯。擅長多種兵器,戰鬥風格也經常變換,尤其擅長活捉,問題是他以抓耙活捉的敵人經常就這樣被同伴順手埇死掉... 某程度上是個個人煩惱。


[ 本文章最後由 Moun 於 08-12-1 14:56 編輯 ]

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Name: Bane Hedgestone
Male Human Smith LV2

(Souped-up Fighter:
Remove initial weapon profriency,
use Rouge THAC0,
Bonus Hammer WP
Bonus Blacksmithing NWP)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Age: 12
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 134lbs.
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown

Str 12
Int 08
Wis 06
Dex 09
Con 11
Cha 18

Hp: 9

Weapon Profriency:
-Hammer (Proficient)

Nonweapon Profriency:
-Blacksmithing 2
-Carpentry 1
-Leatherworking 1


-Breadknife (Dagger)
-Hammer (Warhammer)

-N/A (Never needed one)

Shirt, pants, belt and shoes
A few bags of foods he had stored in the pantry in his home
A small money pouch with 4 coppers and 2 silvers

Description & Personality:
An extremely handsome young man at the age of 12. Other people, especially the village girls, are never able to keep their hands out of his long, fluffy brown hair. His penetrating brown eyes seems to look through anyone, touching the depth of their soul. His height and shape is around the people his age, but only a little overweight. His left ring finger is missing due to an "animal mishap",

People who run into him for the first time will never have figure out that he's also the village's unofficial idiot boy. Not that he is stupid or anything, it's just he have a special learning disability that aside from anything related to metal, wood or livestock, he is completely unable to grasp everything else. He never learn to write his own name, on a good day cannot count beyond 9 (because of the lost finger), and is always the last one to get any joke. But he always knows the precise stroke and the precise time it need to turn a mundane ore into a magnificent work of useful tool, or how to cut a tree that leaves enough material to do nearly twice of what more other can only do one.

To add insult to injury, he has an inhumanly sunny disposition. It's simply impossible to get him to be in any emotion but warmly joyful. He knew what was happening the whole time and still was kicked out of his own mother's funeral because he can't stop smiling during the procession, for try as he might he just can't be not happy. And then there are times when other people in rage actually tried to starngle him to stop him from being so god damn joyous.


Born and bred in this small village, the Hedgestone family has been it's blacksmith and carpenter for three generation. His father was a smith/carpenter who married a smith's daughter, as was his grandfather, and so was his great grandfather. Some reason that Bran's the result of all the smith's blood in his vein, making him a born worker of the iron and wood so focus that he can do nothing else.

Laid back and happy with everything that's ever happen in his life, Bran never feels tempt to go exploring or do anything rash like other kids his age. As such he remain in his father's smithy nearly every day, working the metals and shaping woods.

He figure that it'd last forever...


班.赫士東。AD&D2/人狼Game。存活時期大概一個月。 (馬上就沉了的PBP)

智障人狼,純天然白痴,『喜怒哀樂』當中除了『喜』以外什麼也沒有,只懂得打鐵的鄉村小子。勒.修雲的集中點之一的『身份煩惱』也是人狼 Game 普遍焦點,把它剔除掉的結果。


[ 本文章最後由 Moun 於 08-12-1 15:07 編輯 ]

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Name: Nickolas The Burnt
Male Human CO (LV 9)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Age: 38
Height: 7"10'
Weight: 161lbs.
Eye: None - Blind
Hair: None - Burnt
Skin: Smokey-Red, Crispy-Brown or Crunchy-Black

Str 18/00
Dex 18
Con 18
Int 15
Wis 13
Cha 03

Hp: 91 (10,6,8,2,10,9,4,5,1, +4 Con Bonus per level )

Weapon Profriency:
-Long Sword
-Short Sword
-Two Weapon Style --- Katar specific
-Katar (Specialization)

Nonweapon Profriency:
-Tracking 1
-Riding, Land-based 1
-Fire-building 1
-Herbalism 1
-Survival 1
-Blind Fighting 1
-Endurance 1

-Mute, can't talk.

Main weapon Katar +3 "The voice", and another normal Katar
Armor Stud Leather Armor +2
Secondary weapons
-Dagger x6, hanged on his belt
-Throwing Chakram (5in'diameter) x2 on back hip
-Large Chakram (10in' diameter) hidden in his robe

-Riding Horse
--Saddle Blanket
--Bit, rein, stirrup & bridle  
--Extra pair of Katar and Chakram
--Large Sack #1
***Various plants and herbs.
***Brewing Kit
--Large Sack #2
***Dried Rations x10
***Full Wineskin x2

--Full Wineskin x2 (Wt 3)
--Extra set of clothes
--Flint & Steel
--Dried Ration x5
--Large Sack #3
***Bandages, oinments and oils
--Small Sack #1
***Various plants and herbs
***Small cooking kit

-(Wearing) Vest, Hose, Belt, Riding Boots, Heavy Cloak, Leather Gloves, Full face helmet(no eyeslit)
--Belt pouch #1
*** 60 Gold pieces
--Belt pouch #2
*** Vial of paralytic poison x3
-Belt pouch #3
*** Vial of poison x3

A towering figure that was always hidden within his deep cloak. Because of that not many people knew what he looked like for sure; However based on the few times that his face was seen by others, it was known that he was so horribly burnt to the point that he looked like a living mummy without bandages. The various oinments he always rubbed on his body (to prevent infections since he was partically skinless, thus the need for the heavy clothing.) also gave out a foul smell.

He was referred to as "The soggy mummy" when out of earshot.

Nickolas Phelma-Sewen was borned in a small fishing town. His mother, a street postitute, had him  as a result of a wandering band of mercenery came visiting the town for relaxation. The name "Nickolas" was her landlord's name, and the last name "Sewen" was the barbarian-mercenery that she thought was his father...... most likely.

Being a poor harlot's son, thus a literal SOTB, Nickolas weren't well regarded by the other more "well-to-do" townsfolks, but he and his mother preservered. And even through the living was tough, it wasn't impossible.

It was when he was 10 that their local lord got into a feud with his neighbour over a petty issue, and a pack of raider were sent by his enemy to "teach a lesson". Long story short, the whole town was torched, those that hadn't ran away were killed, Nickolas' mother being one of the dead. Nickolas was trapped in one of the stone building and had the oppotunity of a lifetime of being roasted to death, whcih he almost did. When one of the Order's servent investigated the still burning ruin and found the charred body of the young child, barely breathing but still alive, the servent took Nickolas back with him.

That was Nickolas' initiation to the Order of the Cleansing blade.

In the long days of recovery to come, it was appearent that the wounds he suffered were far too severe to ever be totally heal by any means. The order originally intended to trained him as a helper, but while Nickolas' sight and speech was completely ruined, during recovery he seemed to have developed abilities that replaced them: Even without his vision he nonetheless instinctively knew the placement of every items in a room. A twisted form of sign language replaced the lost voice and still convey his meaning as if it was spoken word. Taking this as a sign from the gods, the order trained him to be a full recruit.

And he learned.

Every waking moment of Nickolas from then on was devoted to learning the ways of the Cleansing Blade, and later on working as their tool. He no longer had a home, a family, a life or even a face, and for that he had no restrain. The Order became the sole focus of his self, and he would do anything and everything to achieve any task given to him.

Absolutely devoted and dedicated to the edicts of the order, both fanatically passionate and coldly merciless while performing his task. The perfect fanatic.

-Psionics: (If that's not allowed I can replace it with something else.)
A special form of Clairvoyance that sort of replaced his sight, not in a visual but in an instinctive way.
A special form of Send thoughts that anyone who can see his hand signals will be able to receive what he wants to say.

If the powers were disabled in some ways, Nickolas can only relies on his hearing, fighting blind and mute with only the simplest of gestures at his disposal.

-Special Weapons:

Nickolas used a pair of three-pronged Long Katar (one of them magical) as both an offensive and defensive tool. The Katars were normally used like a normal short sword. The hilt was covered by a decorative plate that, when held, protected the user's whole lower arm. A hidden latch could be pressed that extended the side blades outward, used mainly for parrying and disarming.

Non-magical Long Katar
Damage Sm-Med
Damage Large
Special: Disarm opponent's weapon on a successful parry -2.

The circle are used both as an inferior close range weapon and as a boomerrang-like throwing weapon. He mainly used the large one close and threw the small ones, but it didn't matter much really. The throwing and catching was practiced so many times that it's routine for him now.

***Hindu weapon related links and pics (In case you don't know what the heck I'm talking about) :


(Just to avoid any RP mistakes later on, but maybe abit too long-winded as usual)

The Clairvoyence ability is more of an inprecise sensing type ability. Ole' Nick can recognize and identify anything and anyone that he've "sense" before, and he have an alternate, instinctive way of interpreting objects that is non-visual but works nearly just as well. But he cannot interpret complex grouping of lines. (ie. words, runes and pictures.)

In short: He can't read nor grasp precise details. When he looks at a person he can recognize what the guy's size, what he's doing, what he's holding, and he would recognize him again the next time they meet, but he cannot tell facial feature, fashion style (cloak yes, barbarian artic cloak no), pominent features (unless it's shape-related) or cultural hertiage. He can't even "read" letters and runes because "it's all black to him".

He's also semi-colorblind: He can understand the difference between two colors, but he cannot tell which is which, no matter how many times he encounters them.

On the other hand, since he's not seeing with his eyes, he can literally see through the back of his head. Looking at multiple directions at once disorients him through, so he tend to avoid that if possible.

The power begins from where the eyes were and extend to where it's humanly possible. He cannot see through objects even if they are transparent. (An effect of the pesudo-colorblindness.)

Being a blind mute, his hearing is also better then average.


-The Sgin-messaging ability can be limited so that only the people who he wants to "talk" to can understand him even when he's signaling in plain sight of others. A sort of whisper, if you may.

Other telepaths can always understands him through, regardless of whether Nick wants them to or not.......

I'll simulate this in RP and via PM if and when I'm doing it.



宗教狂熱者,邊緣的LG恐怖份子,活人木乃伊。超偏執狂,認為自己能從全身重度燒傷存活以及特殊 ESP-sense/broadcast 能力全是天啟。是游俠卻是印度兵器專家。



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Larry Bush

"Hey man, gather around now. We are just starting the show."

Larry tied his long brown hair into a braid, bite down on the joint in his mouth and play a light country tune on his 'prefect' guitar. What he had on can only be describe as a "Techno-color dreamcoat", which clash with his weathered-brown skin and whitewash jeans in the worst way possible. A mendella-shaped pendent hang around his neck, glowing in the light of the campfire.

Leaning back on the side of his barely usable trailer truck, he said. " Me? Been on the road all my life. This life. That 'fling' before collegde doesn't count. Stop whenever and wherever I want and play the music I like. Usually got kicked out through, kinda hard being a 'hippy' in the 90s I guess. Still I have no problems with that, with god being by my side all the way. Not the christan god. The BIG one,up in the cosmos, who said 'Go forth and bring me Nachos!'... Oh wait, I think it's more like 'Go forth and save the world with your music! And get me some Nachos will ya?" Heck I was bonking but anyhow... As far as I know you don't argue with The Big G, uh-uh, and this life's treating me far better then the old one with all the stiff upper dick mothballs ever did."

"Peace, man. Want some nachos? I got plenty to go around."

Larry was borned in one of the families in the social upper crust. All of his relatives are either bankers, corporate executives or politicians. His own family partically owns the town they live in.
   Larry himself went through the usual routine of going to the best schools, knowing the 'best' friends and getting the best grades. His parents had high hopes for him, probably seeing another politician in the making. But then Larry went to university, got his hand on some hash one day. Life was totally different afterward.
   God appeared to him, in a hash-induced 'trip', and said 'Go forth and save the world with your music!!! - And get me some nachos will ya?' Larry thought about it, and then thought about it some more. He ended up doing both, and for that he was disowned by his own family (or he disowned them. Whatever.)
   Now he lives the life of a wandering bard, driving all around the North of A, makes a living via roadside performences, and try to make contact with the cosmic awareness via the use of a bonk and lots of Nachos. Most of the time he usually ended up in brawls with the current local boys for various reasons, but his verbal charm, the self-defense lesson his took in his youth from one of the world-class kung-fu master (paid for by his parents) and 'Good 'ole shocker' combines can usually get his hide safely out in time.
   "Peace, man!"


拉利.布殊。CoC。 詳細 charsheet 用 Byakhee 寫的,懶得重抄,算了。

某總統(90年代那個)的近親,某程度上是諷刺角色(因為和原物完全相反)。潮流過後的嬉皮士,大麻合法化擁護者,6-Strings Samurai。好人一個,在吞雲吐霧間挻身面對大宇宙恐怖的浪人。


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Name: Gump Forrester
Male Human Fighter (L1?)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Age: 19
Height: 7'6"
Weight: 240lbs.
Eye: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Pasty white

Str 18/77
Int 04
Wis 04
Con 13
Dex 10
Cha 08

Hp: 6

Weapon Quarterstaff... the size of a tree trunk.
Armor Robe... around six, seven layers or so.
Assortment of magical-looking mundane charms and trinkets.
Dozens of homemade fish-rations. (Momma sez "Can't let my baby go away hungry!" so...)

"Momma sez so" :
At any moments he might launch in an extand drible on "What momma sez...". Yes, he tend to repeat himself, alot; And no, he don't know when to stop. Most people within earshot, even those that don't speak the language, would eventually relent on whatever they're doing with a load of guilt nobody knows where from, or actively try to strangle him. Repeated audiences, like people close to him, tend to act out on the latter.

Yes, his parents are immune to this. Sometimes they even *shudder* .... join in.

Aside from the towering stature, the obesity is also a wonder to behold. The face got hidden somewhere between the height and weight and is only rarely seen.

History part 1
He was borned legs-first, than his wet nurse dropped him on his head, and than at the age of 3 he was lost in the woods for a year, during which he was raised by chipmunks.
His parents called him "especially gifted", so he never left the house until recently.

History part 2/Personality
Momma always sez "Ya can be want ya wantsa be, and ya wantsa be a mage".
A am a mage, a think. Less my tutcher sez so, after the second time a clonk him out when a try ta casty spellz in a first classsssss.
Than momma sez "Ya can be want ya wantsa be, and ya wantsa be a hero." So a go heroin, and right where a live, tooooo.


另一種智障。自以為是魔法師的大男。所謂的 Magic Missile 是樹幹粗的尺八杆飛擲,所謂的Burning Hand 其實是九陰白骨爪(?)。
(如果有 Fireball 的話大概就是巨人踵落...   )

沒人敢說他不是魔法師... (除害怕那所謂的 Magic Missile 以外,七尺六吋重二百四的大孩子哭罵說不定更恐怖... )

出自 Forrest Gump,但與當時方興未艾的YY魔法師也有點關係。出奇地好玩的喜劇角色。



[ 本文章最後由 Moun 於 08-12-1 15:58 編輯 ]

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Name: Adonis Quantas Umbeth
Male Human Fighter (LV 10)
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Age: 32
Height: 6"
Weight: 162lbs.
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Healthy light brown

Str 14
Dex 10
Con 11
Int 16
Wis 16
Cha 18

Hp: 70

Weapon Profriency:
-Short Sword
-Long Sword
-Light Lance
-Short Bow
-Long Bow

Nonweapon Profriency:
-Survival 1
-Riding, Land-based 1
-Heraldry 1
-Etiquette 1
-Dancing 1



Don't know about that
Standard Equipments


And so and so
Nothing Special, I guess

Tall, not quite dark but still very handsome man in his prime. Always takes great care to be in his most presentable even when in warzone. Not one scar or old wound on his finely crafted body.

Descendent from one of the lesser lines of the royal family, the Umbeths nonetheless hold themselves to be greater than most. Yet they still grovel at the feet of the Emperor for what meager benefit it brings. Been taught of his superiority since his youth, Adonis finds the reality of the situation hard to stomache, and he strive for the stolen glory that were never theirs to begin with. It is for this very reason that he join in the fights, where he comes to be the rank captain by sacrificing his brother in arms whenever neccssary in what suicidal missions his can claim. Of course, few of the survivors that know him for what he truly is hate him with a venegence. But people only look to the deeds of the heroes, and how can a man who share the glory besides him refute all that they have?

Success is the most efficent of ways to seal the lips, afterall.

A greedy and ambitious man who takes care to hide it all. While knowing the benefit of having friends and the sharing of success or even following inferiors every now and then, he have no qualms on reaping the whole profit if it will benefit him more on the long run. The kind of man who choose to act in the most approiate ways for every situations, his plans are very far and very high. Do not consider himself to be superior or evil --- at least he never directly cause anyone any harm. Yet. --- just that everybody else are "less important" and he can take better care of them than they themselves do, even if it kills them eventually.


金玉其外的 LE,AD&D2。與樓上同期,某程度上是相反生物。




在發覺 PBP 大都沒什麼持續性後,好一陣子也沒碰過。



[ 本文章最後由 Moun 於 08-12-1 15:54 編輯 ]

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姓名:Ausar Kulthum 烏沙˙戈含

三圍: 男的也不放過?


從小便加入了al-Jihad (Egyptian Islamic Jihad:埃及伊斯蘭聖戰組職),在數十年間逐漸升上組職的中層幹部,也是當中的溫和派。但在al-Jihad被『基地』收納時因為理念差異和數十年間心中累積下來的疑惑,因此半退休式的從組職退下;與以前的戰友還有聯絡,政府也對他有點興趣,也保有從前的人脈。但夾在各方之間的他只當自已是活在借來的時間裏,只差是那一邊下的手。


好奇 + 錢作怪 + 不怕死









土製炸彈兩顆、油500ml、祈禱珠(蠟製)、換洗衣物、宗教短彎刀(已開鋒)、織氈、線香、火石、土製乾糧和水(四天份)、透明膠布、放大鏡、Duct Tape、50呎繩、手套、彈藥(30顆)

[[[  祈禱珠(蠟製)、斗蓬、手槍、火石、短彎刀、手套、彈藥(6顆)放在身上,其他用膠布+膠貼密封放在背襄裏(土製炸彈、彈藥(24顆)、放大鏡放最中間用衣物包好,)  ]]]



好一段時間以後,從西方區間轉逛東方以後,首次的 ERPG 人物。



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◇角色姓名:杜˙修雲 (Doe Sewen)
◇角色職業及等級:Barbarian 1
◇陣營:Chaotic Neutral (少許 Neutral Good leaning)
◇高度:3' 0"
◇瞳色: 黑
◇髮色:100% 全禿

◆能力值:66+19 = 85
STR(力量)        [16]        [+4](修正)
DEX(敏捷)        [16]        [+4](修正)
CON(體質)        [13]        [十1](修正)
INT(知力)        [16]        [+4](修正)
WIS(智慧)        [10]      
CHA(魅力)        [14]        [+2](修正)



MELEE(近接攻擊值):[+6] = [+1](BAB)+[+1](SIZE)+[+4](STR修正) 
RANGED(投射攻擊值):[ +5] = [+1](BAB)+[+1](SIZE)+[+4](DEX修正) 


Persuasive: +2 Bluff & Intimidate Checks

◆技能: 32 = (4 + INT4 ) x 4 , +(4 + INT 4) per LV


CLIMB                        STR        4 + 0 + 0 = 04
CRAFT(ALCHEMY)                INT        4 + 2 + 4 = 10
HANDLE ANIMAL                CHA        2 + 0 + 0 = 02
INTIMIDATE                CHA        2 + 0 + 4 = 06 (Feat +2) = 08
JUMP                        STR        4 + 0 + 0 = 04
LISTEN                        WIS        0 + 2 + 0 = 02
RIDE                        DEX        4 + 0 + 0 = 04
SURVIVAL                WIS        0 + 0 + 2 = 02
SWIM                        STR        4 + 0 + 0 = 04

APPRAISE                INT        4 + 0 + 1 = 05
BALANCE                        DEX        4 + 0 + 1 = 05
HIDE                        DEX        4 + 4 + 2 = 10
PROFESSION(BOOKKEEPER)        WIS        0 + 0 + 1 = 01
PREFORM(ACT)                CHA        2 + 0 + 1 = 03
MOVE SILENTLY                DEX        4 + 0 + 2 = 06
BLUFF                        CHA        2 + 0 + 2 = 04 (Feat +2) = 06
Literacy                        (2 points)

- +2 Con, -2 Dex
- Small Size
- Base movement 20ft
- Low-Light Vision: A gnome can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight,
  torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. he retains the ability to
  distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
- Weapon familiarity: Treat Gnome Hooked Hammers as martial weapons
- +2 save vs. illusion
- +1 to cast illusion spells
- +1 attack bonus vs. kobold & goblinoids
- +4 dodge AC vs. Giant enemies
- Spell-like abilities: Speak with Burrowing Animal for 1 minute/Day, Dancing Lights 1/Day, Ghost Sound 1/Day, Prestidigitation 1/Day ; Caster level 1st: DC 12 / 12 / 12

- Weapon and Armor Proficiency: all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shield).
- Rage 1/Day
- Fast Movement 30ft.

Automatic Languages: Common, Gnome
Bonus Languages: Draconic, Giant, Goblic, Orc

◆裝備品 (58lbs. Light Load.)       (Max Load 76/153/230)
Gnome Hooked Hammer                20 gp        1d6/1d4        1d8/1d6        x2        —        6 lb.        Bludgeoning & Piercing
Greatclub                  5 gp        1d8        1d10       x2      —        8 lb.       Bludgeoning
Gaunlet                     2 gp        1d2        1d3        x2       —        1 lb.       Bludgeoning
Longbow, Small        75 gp        1d3        1d4        x3     100ft      2 lb.      Piercing
Arrow (40),Small            2 gp          —          —         —      —        3 lb.            —

Leather, Small         10 gp        +2AC        +6dex        0ACP        10%AS        30/20ft.        8lb.

Backpack                    2 gp        2 lb.
Book                          1 gp         1 lb.  
(「如何成為一個成功的野蠻人」by Cornon the barberian )
Book                          1 gp         1 lb.   
(「完全野蠻人手冊, 第232版 (標點符號補完版)」by Witches over the Coast )
Book                          1 gp         1 lb.   
(「野蠻人的心靈:雞湯一百款」by Bantha Stewwork)
Book                            —         1 lb.    ( 記脹薄)
Notebook                      —         1 lb.    ( 記事薄)
Small Bedroll                1 gp        2 lb.
Ink Vial                        1 gp        1/10lb.
Inkpen                         1 sp        —   
Small Steel Mirror       10 gp       1/2 lb.
Small Waterskin           1 gp        1 lb.
Crowbar                       2 gp        5 lb.
Fishhook                      1 sp        —
Grappling hook             1 gp        4 lb.
Rope, hempen              1 gp        10 lb.
Sewing needle               5 sp        —
Fur Loincloth (3 pairs)   1 gp        —
Long Woolly Underwear  1 sp       —
Flint & Steel                1 gp       —


溫文和善有禮貌... 直至他記起自己是個野蠻人為止。那時侯他便會是個沒文化,用單聲說話的小老粗。

想像一下魔戒的Gollum,然後再想像一個臉圓圓,沒有毛髮,被可愛化的 Gollum ......(汗) ...


杜˙波巴魯(Doe Bonparlo)原本便是在雷恩王國鄉下的一個小商人家庭中出生。但小時侯有一次在道貨被山賊襲擊,途中卻被一個叫哥蘭˙修雲(Goran Sewen)的路過野蠻人只一人便打倒了山賊團,然後更順便把山賊團跟波巴魯他爸的所有財物給搶了。


...... 但因為他太不懂得不用腦和特矮身形的關係,他不論去到那裏,最後總是幹回話劇、管脹、煉金之類的工作。




(靈感很大借自 Terry Pratchett 的 light Fantastic)



[ 本文章最後由 Moun 於 08-12-1 17:26 編輯 ]

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沁池  時間不夠真是很遺憾的事情ORZ... ...  發表於 08-12-1 17:41 鐵幣 + 1 元  回覆一般留言

[聖帕][人設] 死之半翼 / 機鎗淑女 安祖妮卡‧貝爾‧史雲遜

<System Section>

入學學生姓名:Angelica Bell Swanson
國藉:Great Britain
學系:特攻系 / Commando
聯絡方法:Chat / PM
對學院生活的期望: To prepare for the ultimate showdown......



父親對你存在沒甚麼所謂,既不會躲你,也不會對你特別好[家族愛+-0]                                Charlston Edward Swanson IV
母親對你持有好感,可是你卻不喜歡他。[家族愛-1]                                                Marilyn Albright
妹因為工作、學業、或者其他理由,所以沒有一起住。因為離異而令感情沒有特別好。[家族愛-1]        Belladonna Agnes Swanson
外祖母非常討厭你。你卻也非常擔心他的事情。[家族愛+1]                                        Vespa "Yellow Jacket" Kovalskaya







[生活] LV4
[家族愛] LV1
[友情] +6
[恐怖(潔癖症)] LV5
能力值 (40)

腕 - 4
指 - 4
腳 - 4
體 - 4
頭 - 7
感 - 12

疲勞 = 16
負傷 = 16
致命傷 = 32
總HP = 64

通常zone下限 = 48
高揚zone下限 = 96
暴走zone下限 = 144

技能 (25)
隱藏(感) Lv 1
射擊(感) Lv 2
外國語(英式英語)(頭) Lv 1
禮儀(頭, 感) Lv 1

秘技 (85)
Prelude to Perdition (Combat)
Symphony for My Dearest Grandmother (要死的是你們才對)
Sonnet of Sisters (Shooting Star)
Proper Attire of Battle Rondo (不思議的愛麗絲小姐)

x The Exalt and Determine Strike(無想劍)
x The Brave and Unshakable Guard (不動如山)
x The Pure and Dignify End (獅子之一擊)
x Saga of War(天上之意思)
x Duelist's Valor (Closing Guard)
x Enticing Embrace (縮地之步法)
x En Garde! (修羅之極意)
x By Will Alone (無賴的一騎擋千)
x Slient Hymn (Human Weapon)
x Visitation (大鷹從天而降)
x Banishment of Knaves (現在這裡會有危機)
x For All That is Glory (敵大將單挑)
x Force of Personality (氣力充滿)

聖帕迪瑪學院制服 (英式古風裁剪)
花布背袋 (附暗格:機關手槍x2,榴彈砲,彈匣)
各式陽傘(可以收一支自動手槍或者輕機槍級的槍械,防禦力+1 )
消毒噴霧 (酸性)
即棄式膠地毯 (2m x 2m)


<RP Section>













她本該幹得更乾淨俐落的;在瑪莉安捨命拯救後,被送進醫院的貝菈當娜就是在出院後也沒再出現在她眼前...... 直至兩年前的那一天為止。














        *        *        *        *

Character Information

姓名:安祖妮卡‧貝爾‧史雲遜 (Angelica Bell Swanson)



身高:150 cm




Concept:壞黑化機關鎗偽蘿莉惡黨(Balalaika of Black Lagoon  + Akazukin of Tokyo Akazukin?)。無異能 (一直是純技術取向)



髮型:及肩鬈髮。(天然鬈) 隨便的短馬尾 (已沒心情好好打理)。
喜好:古典歌劇(曾經有等同古典藝能 Lv4 的造詣)、狩獵(各種各樣)、陽傘收集、消毒處理、查爾斯特、維斯帕

>查爾斯特‧愛德華‧史雲遜四世 / Charlston Edward Swanson IV(父,38歲):
能力及技能是貝菈當娜之上,懂得安祖妮卡在尖端期的所有技術,但從『翼之力』方面而言則遠遠不及 (Ancestral Wings & Condemned Heritage Only)。

>瑪莉安‧艾布萊 ‧史雲遜 / Marilyn Albright Swanson (母,41歲):

>維斯帕『黃夾克』哥沃斯卡婭 / Vespa "Yellow Jacket" Kovalskaya (外祖母,57歲):
Ex-KGB infiltration & wetwork specialist,在2002年期間於中日韓活動,同年產下瑪莉安‧艾布萊。及後 10 年間隸屬蘇維埃特別研究中心直至退役。

>『彈道魔女』貝菈當娜‧安琪斯‧史雲遜 / "Ballistic Witch" Belladonna Agnes Swanson (妹,11歲):
平均能力值10+,懂得包括安祖妮卡在尖端期及以外的所有技術(某些名字不同),以及只有從家族遺傳(及其他因素)所得來的『翼之力』:Ancestral Wings (光之翼)、Saving Grace(聖潔的治癒)、Condemned Heritage(靈氣武裝)、Shadow Play(影縫)、The One and Only Vengence (真空波動斬)、Be thy Righteous or Ruthless (不動明王火界呪)、etc.
Concept: 孤高而偏執的獨行蘿莉黑騎士。(Roberta of Black Lagoon + Gunslinger Girl @ boss level)

>[親友] (友情]+6 ):Myrna Swan / 邁娜‧斯溫 (遠房堂姊,15歲):
=Concept:  50%鶴屋 + 30%涼宮 + 20%慈母型
=Archtype: Athlete (『奔跑』、『跳躍』專精),但因為堂妹的關係開始涉獵格鬥家體系
=Skill & Abilities: 腳  12,奔跑、迴避 Lv4,主要集中於身體能力,在秘技/技術層面只有基礎發展。
=Appearances: 像安祖妮卡但更健康、陽光。最重要是那更高的 174 cm 與勻稱身型。 (安祖妮卡:輸了....... 嗚!!!) 說話帶愛爾蘭口音

『翼之力』:在以前所指的是歷代史雲遜家所流傳之個人氣質及獨特戰鬥風格,以及偶爾在血統中出現的Ancestral Wings 和 Blessed (Condemned) Heritage。以異能而言史雲遜一族原本也勉強可說是沾邊的隱性異能者,但像貝菈當娜的情況即使在這時代也是完全不正常了。


特命轉攻生的 Lifepath系統。


一時興起就和其他人攪出一大段裏設定(見下文),不過... 游戲時間不夠+1。(聳)

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沁池  特命轉攻生阿...好懷念(?)  發表於 08-12-1 17:38 聲望 + 1 枚  回覆一般留言
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