

wiki - play by mail 的翻譯 - 請各位幫忙提出意見。[譯文者jc06011991 ]

Play-by-mail games are games, of any type, played through postal mail or e-mail. One example, chess, has been played by mail for centuries (when played in this way, it is known as correspondence chess). Another example, Diplomacy, has been played by mail since the 1960s, starting with a printed newsletter (a fanzine) written by John Boardman. More complex games, moderated entirely or partially by computer programs, were pioneered by Rick Loomis of Flying Buffalo in 1970. The first such game offered via email through a major online service was Quantum Space from Stormfront Studios, which debuted on AOL in 1989.


Play by mail games are often referred to as PBM games, and play by email is sometimes abbreviated PBeM -- as opposed to face to face (FTF) games which are played in person. Another variation on the name is Play-by-Internet (PBI) or play-by-web (PBW). In all of these examples, player instructions can be either executed by a human moderator, a computer program, or a combination of the two.

郵遞型遊戲 (Play By Mail) 一般被稱為PBM遊戲,而經過電子郵件傳遞的郵遞型遊戲 (Play By e-Mail) 可簡稱為PBeM;與其相對的則為與其他人直接遊玩的面對面遊戲(Face To Face, FTF)。另一個郵遞型遊戲的變奏則是互聯網遊戲(Play By Internet, PBI or Play By Web, PBW)。在這些例子中,遊戲指示可以由人手、電腦程式或兩者的結合來執行的。

In the 1980s, play-by-mail games reached their peak of popularity with the advent of Gaming Universal and Flagship magazine, the first professional magazines devoted to play-by-mail games. (An earlier fanzine, Nuts & Bolts of PBM, was the first publication to exclusively cover the hobby.) Bob McLain, the publisher and editor of Gaming Universal, further popularized the hobby by writing articles that appeared in many of the leading mainstream gaming magazines of the time. Flagship later bought overseas right to Gaming Universal, making it the leading magazine in the field. Flagship magazine was founded by Chris Harvey and Nick Palmer (now an MP) of the UK. The magazine still thrives, albeit under a different editor over twenty years later.

由於遊戲世界及第一本集中於郵遞型遊戲的專業雜誌--旗船雜誌的出現,郵遞型遊戲在1980年代達到高峰。(一本較早出現的雜誌--Nuts & Bolts of PBM是第一本全面覆蓋郵遞型遊戲的出版作品。)遊戲世界的出版人及總編輯博.麥拉恩,透過寫作刊登於很多領導市場的主流遊戲雜誌的文章,把郵遞型遊戲再度推向高峰。旗海雜誌稍後收購了遊戲世界的海外版權,令它成為了郵遞型遊戲刊物的領導者。旗海雜誌由基斯.夏維及力克.龐馬(現在的英國國會議員)所創立,它雖然由另一位編輯所主理,但仍然廣受大眾歡迎。





In the late 1990s, computer and Internet games marginalized play-by-mail conducted by actual postal mail, but the postal hobby still exists with an estimated 2000–3000 adherents worldwide.

Postal gaming
Postal gaming developed as a way for geographically separated gamers to compete with each other. It was especially useful for those living in isolated areas and those whose tastes in games was uncommon.

In the case of a two player game such as chess, players would simply send their moves to each other alternately. In the case of a multi-player game such as Diplomacy, a central game master would run the game, receiving the moves and publishing adjudications. Such adjudications were often published in postal game zines, some of which contained far more than just games.


The commercial market for play-by-mail games grew to involve computer servers setup to host potentially thousands of players at once. Players would typically be split up into parallel games in order to keep the number of players per game at a reasonable level, with new games starting as old games ended. While the central company was responsible for feeding in moves and mailing the processed output back to players, players were also provided with the mailing addresses of others so that direct contact could be made and negotiations performed. With turns being processed every few weeks, more advanced games could last over a year.

Game themes are heavily varied, and may range from those based on historical or real events to those taking place in alternate or fictional worlds.


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Inevitably, the onset of the computer-moderated PBM game (primarily the Legends game system) meant that the human moderated games were pushed into the "non-profit-making sector" of the industry[citation needed].

The mechanics of play-by-mail games require that players think and plan carefully before making moves. Because planned actions can typically only be submitted at a fixed maximum frequency (e.g., once every few days or every few weeks), the number of discrete actions is limited compared to real-time games. As a result, players are provided with a variety of resources to assist in turn planning, including game aids, maps, and results from previous turns. Using this material, planning a single turn may take a number of hours.



Actual move/turn submission is traditionally carried out by filling in a turn card. This card has formatted entry areas where players enter their planned actions (using some form of encoding) for the upcoming turn. Players are limited to some finite number of actions, and in some cases must split their resources between these actions (so that additional actions make each less effective). The way the card is filled in often implies an ordering between each command, so that they are processed in-order, one after another. Once completed, the card is then mailed (or, in more modern times, e-mailed) to the game master, where it is either processed, or held until the next turn processing window begins.


By collecting turn cards from a number of players and processing them all at the same time, games can provide simultaneous actions for all players. However, for this same reason, co-ordination between players can be difficult to achieve. For example, player A might attempt to move to player B's current location to do something with (or to) player B, while player B might simultaneously attempt to move to player A's current location. As such, the output/results of the turn can differ significantly from the submitted plan. Whatever the results, they are mailed back to the player to be studied and used as the basis for the next turn (often along with a new blank turn card).


While billing is sometimes done using a flat per-game rate (when the length of the game is known and finite), games more typically use a per-turn cost schedule. In such cases, each turn submitted depletes a pool of credit which must periodically be replenished in order to keep playing. Some games have multiple fee schedules, where players can pay more to perform advanced actions, or to take a greater number of actions in a turn.

Some role playing PBM games also include an element whereby the player may describe actions of their characters in a free text form. The effect and effectiveness of the action is then based on the judgement of the GM who may allow or partially allow the action. This gives the player more flexibility beyond the normal fixed actions at the cost of more complexity and, usually, expense.



With the rise of the Internet, postal gaming and postal games zines have largely been replaced by e-mail and websites. Play by mail games differ from popular online multiplayer games in that, for most computerized multiplayer games, the players have to be online at the same time. With a play by mail game, the players can play whenever they choose, since responses need not be immediate; this is sometimes referred to as turn-based gaming and is common among browser-based games. Some computer games can be played in a play by mail mode: one makes one's "move", mails a file to the opponent who uses it to make his or her "move" in response, and he or she then mails something back.

Several non-commercial email games played on the Internet and BITNET predate these.



An increasingly popular format for play-by-email games is play-by-web. As with play-by-email games the players are notified by email when it becomes their turn, but they must then return to the game's website to continue playing what is essentially a browser-based game. The main advantage of this is that the players can be presented with a graphical representation of the game and an interactive interface to guide them through their turn. Since the notifications only have to remind the players that it is their turn they can just as easily be sent via instant messaging.

Some sites have extended this gaming style by allowing the players to see each other's actions as they are made. This allows for real time playing while everyone is online and active, or slower progress if not.



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Play-by-post role-playing game

A play-by-post game (PbP) is an online text-based role-playing game. This is a niche area of the online roleplaying community which caters to both gamers and creative writers. PbP games are often based on other role-playing games, non-game fiction, or original settings. This activity is closely related to both interactive fiction and collaborative writing.

Play-by-post games are usually written in the third person perspective. This allows the players and gamemasters to write in the personas of their characters. This is the best way to separate the player character from the person playing the character (the typist), and it makes the game more readable. Sometimes online game terms such as OOC (Out of character) or OOG (Out of Game) are used to differentiate character vs. personal posting.

以論壇回帖形式的遊戲(PbP)是以網絡文字為基礎的角色扮演遊戲.這是一個能迎合玩家和程式設計者的特殊交流平台. PbP遊戲是建基於其它角色扮演的遊戲,非遊戲類小說或原創設定這三大類,所以當中的遊戲劇情都是跟小說情節和聯合創作是緊密相連的. 實況報導遊戲的形態通常都是由第三者所編寫的.故此,這允許玩家和遊戲主持人去創造能代表自己且獨樹一格的角色.這是一個最好的方法去分辨玩家與所創造的角色之間的性格特徵,且亦能讓遊戲更易於閱覽.有時候,網上遊戲,諸如OOC(脫離性格)或OOG(脫離遊戲),都只不過是用來區別玩家自身和遊戲人物而已.

The first message posted onto a thread of that nature is usually one person laying down the scenario, starting a story about their character and inviting others. The thread then becomes an ongoing story in which players periodically advance the plot by reading the latest reply and then typing what their character does and how the environment changes in response. These replies are often open-ended so that other players can continue.


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Depending on the rules established on the forum, roleplaying and story can be pushed forward through moderation by a gamemaster, specific rules (often existing role-playing game systems), or by mutual agreement between players.

Role-playing by mutual agreement does not rely on statistics or dice; any combat is usually written in entirety by one or more players. In some games, players will be allowed to include the actions of another player in their post, but this practice is commonly considered cheating in more established play-by-post games, where players are responsible for their own characters. Any form of this cheating (automatic hits and controlling another player's character) is commonly referred to as "power playing" or "God modding". However, one player may temporarily hand over control of their character to another player if they cannot play for a while, rather than dropping out entirely.


In certain play-by-post gaming circles larger-scale boards exist where the entire board is devoted to advancing a single storyline, rather than many different stories proceeding in separate threads. They vary in organization, but many include a full set of rules governing roleplaying and combat between players, threads detailing a set storyline (often contributed to by plot-advancing, staff-organized events, or player roleplays), character approval forums, and a full staff with admin(s) and moderators. These types of games then vary from that groundwork; some games go as far as to include a virtual "world" to roleplay in, by cutting up the entire game universe into separate forums, each based on locations within that universe. All games set in a particular setting are played in the corresponding forum.
Many message board based games establish a hierarchy of moderators to manage plot flow and continuity. To keep story threads organised, the message board is often organised into forums based on geographical location within the game setting.


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Message-board role-playing
Internet forums are the most common medium for Play-by-Post gaming. Some online forums provide benefits such as online dice rolling, character profiling and game history. Others emphasize the use of free-hand and the absence of dice and chance. Thanks to online forums, players can easily keep track of all aspects of the game, can see what is happening elsewhere and can re-read anything they have previously written. Many online services provide free game hosting for gamemasters.



In some message-board role-playing forums, dice rolls are made by the GMs either in real life or through a number generating program external to the role-playing message board. This relies heavily on trust from the players, but because the GM is not involved in the game there is no reason not to trust them.

Message-board role-playing is faster than play-by-email, but as all players can see all the posts there can possibly be problems on forums that do not support private messages. Sites like Proboards, Invisionfree and others of that sort are used for this. There can also be issues where multiple players respond to a post at once and contradict each other, requiring posts to either be edited or deleted. Sometimes the GMs will need to sort out such a situation when it occurs if an agreement cannot be reached by the players.



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Some message boards allow members of any level of writing to join. These are usually called free-for-all, or beginner RPGs. A member who does not write long posts or use proper grammar may be referred to as a "noob". Some sites are advanced, with a word minimum for every post. The word minimum usually falls between 200 to 800 words. Intermediate RPGs usually require two or three, sometimes more, paragraphs per post.


Play-by-email (PBeM) games are played as other play-by-mail games, using email as the postal medium. Players email their actions to the gamemaster or to each other using a mailing list. Play-by-email games are often slow, since the players must wait for each post before replying, but have the advantage that replies may be tailored to the players, allowing the gamemaster to keep information secret from the other players.
This should not be confussed with SIMM style of post, or email games. SIMMs are more collaborative storytelling, where each player tells a portion of the story, usually utilizing other characters in the area as they wish in order to complete their portion of the story. PBeM games more closely resemble table-top role playing games where players react to gamemaster presented scenarios, and characters actions are controlled by individuals.


電郵式遊戲(Play-by-email)的遊戲模式跟郵遞型遊戲大同小異,不同之處在於前者是以電郵作為資訊傳送的媒介,後者則以信件郵遞作媒介。玩家會把他們在遊戲中的動向以電郵形式傳送給遊戲管理員,又或者直接透過郵寄名單發送給其他玩家。電郵式遊戲的運行節奏通常都是緩慢的,這是基於玩家得花時間等待新的郵件送到才能作出新的回覆。然而,透過電郵傳送資料卻有一個好處:玩家能夠盡情修改回覆,直至滿意為止才將之寄出;亦能讓遊戲管理員把玩家們回覆的內容保密,讓資料不致洩露。 這並不可與「SIMMs」、電郵遊戲(Email games)相混淆。「SIMMs」講求多人合力創建故事-每名玩家分別負責構思整個龐大故事的一部份,再加入他們心儀的故事角色,繼而整合故事令它變得更完整。電郵式遊戲(Play-by-email)則較像桌上角色扮演遊戲,玩家需透過遊戲管理員預先設定下的故事背景來進行遊戲;而自行創建的故事角色則由玩家自己操控。



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This type of role-playing uses an Instant Messenger or chatroom program. While technically the fastest method of play-by-post RPing, it can also be considered the most difficult, as it requires both the ability to type fast, and think quickly and in character. It is also necessary that all players be online at the same time, and sometimes it may require people to play multiple parts. It is often referred to as RPing with CCs (custom characters).
It is possible to hide information from other players if the chatroom has an option that allows chatters to send information only to certain people.


這種角色扮演遊戲普遍都會沿用「即時信息傳遞工具」或聊天室程式來進行遊戲。這是遊玩留言式角色扮演遊戲最快捷的方法,同時也是最具難度的方法-由於是即時的文字對話,因此這要求玩家具備快而準的打字能力、思考力以及文路清晰。此外,對話型角色扮演遊戲亦需要所有玩家同時處於線上狀態,有時甚至要玩家一身兼任多個角色 / 同時作出系統計算、擲骰、角色扮演等多個項目。這通常都被稱為「擁有專屬角色的角色扮演遊戲」。


Free Form Post for Post (Play-by Chat/Forum)
Free Form Post for Post RPG is the standard for which all other forms of on line chat role play gaming are built upon. It is integrated in an on line chat room or forum that is designated for role play purposes. Individuals choose a character based upon the theme of the room or forum which could be based upon a novel, movie, song, etc. It is up the individual(s) on what character(s) they may wish to develop and play. Once development of their characters is complete they enter into the room, or forum and begin to interact with other characters/actors via chat in a post for post fashion not unlike a theatrical play you might see in real time upon a stage. All play is based upon actions and reactions of the players thus given the impromptu of the characters in certain situations.
In free form P4P Role play gaming combat you are not allowed to call your hits and must give your opponent the opportunity to respond to your post in a ; they post you post situation thus the Post for Post.


自由對答式角色扮演遊戲(Free Form Post for Post)是其他各種聊天式角色扮演遊戲的基礎。這種遊戲會集中於一個專為角色扮演而設的聊天室或論壇上運行。論壇上的遊戲房間會設下一個主題,單人玩家需要根據有關主題來選擇想操控的角色(主題可以來自小說、電影、歌曲等等);玩家們可以隨心所欲地決定自己要使用一個怎樣的角色。當角色建立完畢後,玩家們便會進入遊戲房間或論壇並開始跟其他玩家接觸,以對答形式作出互動交流,這就像在現實舞台上上演一齣栩栩如生的戲劇一般。整個遊戲過程都要靠著玩家自己的動作跟反應能力,從而令手下角色能對當時的遊戲環境即時作出適當的回應。


Free Form P4P Role Play Gaming rooms/forums are more interested in the development of your characters and the interactions you have with other characters then it is in many other on line RPGing forms. Some people have taken years to develop a character and not unlike actors upon a stage there is a certain rush when given the ability to think upon your own and use your imagination to get out of adverses situations. Good Free Form P4P players will always leave an out for their opponent and many long time Free Form P4P Role Players have likened this form of gaming to playing a game of chess with the mind.



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