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- 12-9-28
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- 註冊時間
- 05-3-18
- 137931
無聊去逛暴雪的fan art, 發現的好圖
其實裏面好圖太多了(800多張的圖片, 每張都各有特色, 水墨的, Q版的, 寫實的樣樣都有)
這裡就分享一下Nanou這位作者的圖片, 她是法國人?
Hello there! :3
I little note to say I will be on Japan expo with 3 girls of my fanzine "Start Up!" ^-^
will not be with us but her pretty drawings will be on the fanzine :3.
We will sell our fanzine Start Up N°1, and I will sell some goodies (A3-A4-cards-badges...)
And dedicates of course!
Our stand is here ! :
It's my first Japan Expo as exposing, I am afraid... T_T
(sorry for my engliiish XD~)
- To provide feedback to my fellow artists- To show my artwork to the world- To offer my stock and resources for use
她的檔案是這樣寫的, 或許是其他國家的也不一定
不過她畫的圖感覺很不錯, 以下就來欣賞她的作品
Old - Melwa

one of my first character on wow, Melwa, a night elf hunter.
Very old drawing too :/
Old - Bellandy NightElf

An old commission for bellandy, a wow player ^^ Her nightelf hunt.
I had a reference for the pose.
Old - Nwalca

huhu an old drawing of my priest, she was level 3 or 4 when I made that xDD
Old - Loola

A Gift for a wow friend, Loola, a troll mage^^.
Old - Priest Xeva

The first character of my boyfriend on wow, I made that drawing for him.

One of my favourite drawings, very important for me.
This is my priest on WoW, Nwalca, an undead.
Nwalca chibi

Little chibi of my priest on wow, I made that drawing when I postulated in an old guild^^
Seviar - chibi pally

A gift for my love, one of his character on WoW, a pally blood elf.
Commission - Eyle and Laisha

A commission for Eyle and his girlfriend Laisha.
她畫的男生跟女生其實都很美形, 都分不太出來到底男還女ˊˇˋ
Commission - Valentines Day 07

The drawing I made for valentine's day the last year.
It's a commission for Eyle, that's his character and the character of his girlfriend (Laisha).
Commission - Licania

A commission for a WoW friend called Licania. This is his priest undead.
Commission - Daien

Commissionfor a WoW player, his character : Daien, a shamy draenei, and her pet.
這張感覺超棒的, 小精龍好可愛, 配色也配的很好!!
她的作品多數似乎都是幫朋友畫的, 而且我很喜歡眼睛閃閃發亮的感覺
不知道各位感覺如何呀, 自己不會畫, 不過很喜歡看人家的作品
看不到圖片的可以按這裡 :) |