i know~
this is the first day Im in this "K Vill" lol
and sure its fun XDD
best thing is that everyone is crazy~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!
like me~ my self lol
I like to hide my crazy thoughts caz they are not very socially acceptable. (^^)
wel, being crazy is one thing, being normal is another thing; ha ha don't really know what im talkin about now. XDD
this place is so nice that i should have found it much earlier! XDD
i reckon XDD
u know~ some time the "crazy thoughts" thats not very "socially acceptable" could be "evil thoughts" lol
but i dont really mind XDD
just be the one that u feel confident with
and the most important thing here is; have fun!!!!!
Wel, as long as you dont let people know; whether they are evil or crazy doesnt really maters.XDD
XDD yeah, have fun! (It used to be impossible to me though)
Are you on holidays?
Im at school!
we are going back to school next week!!
and i havent even start my holiday works yet!!!
im so dead!
hope i could finish all the work before school starts= ="
thats good....
and u know what!
our uniforms looks suck >"<
sometime there will be free dress day but need to pay a golden coin, which is 1or2 dollor......
but i never have my free dress at school