CCleaner可以幫我們清除電腦裡的「Cookies」「網際網路暫存檔」「最近瀏覽過的網址」「最近開啟的文件」「執行」「最近使用檔案記錄」「清理資源回收筒」「系統暫存檔」「日誌檔」...等這些垃圾,不但可以增加硬碟的空間,還可以增進我們電腦的效能。除此之外,還可以幫我們掃描檢查登錄檔,以增進我們電腦的效能。附帶軟體卸載功能。 同時支援IE、Firefox。免費使用,不含任何間諜軟體和垃圾程序。
Changes in CCleaner v2.31.1153 (26 Apr 2010):
- Improved Opera favicon cleaning by only deleting non-bookmarked entries.
- Detailed view can now be set as default in Advanced options.
- Added support to save Startup items to a text file.
- Added new INI variable for Local Low folder %locallowappdata%.
- Improved OpenOffice 3.x support.
- Improved Quicktime player cache cleaning when in Protected Mode.
- Fixed bug where Summary panel text could be edited.
- Fixed bug in Uninstall Tool for Windows 2008 R2.
- GUI improvements to Cookie screen.
- Include/Exclude screen sorts entries in alphabetical order.
- Number formatting is more accurate in Cleaner results.
- Various minor bug fixes. Homepage -