






1.be absent 缺席
ex:A lot of students are absent because of the flu epidemic.


2.suffering an epidemic of rising unemployment 遭受一個嚴重高升的失業率
ex:This country is suffering an epidemic of rising unemployment.


3.Deprive of 剝奪
Deprived of its natural habitat, the Black-faced Spoonbill became endangered.

這種負面單字當然要背起來!! 剝奪一個人的靈魂之類的XD~

4.Were to的用法
ex:If the sun were to rise in the west, I would not change my mind.
ex2:If I were to be reborn, I would be a musician.


5.If S should V 萬一..
6.I wish (that)=If only=Would (that) 但願

  A long long time ago,Antonio,which was one of my favorite students,were absent because of mystery.At that day, I crept into my classroom, glancing round everyone.I didn't found him, and then I started thinking about why he were not present.

  First of all,my country was suffering an epidemic of rising unemployment because of prosperous rival.I leapt to conclusion-- Antonio's father was deprived of posistion,and the truth was always only one!So Antonio dropped out of the school.

  If my reason were to be true,the sun would rise in the west.

  Would that my country had not suffered.If the situation should worsen,I will cut the rival president.

  There went the alarm again.Antonio were finally present.He were late as a result of traffic-block.
  鐘聲又響了。Antonio 最後出席了。他因為塞車而遲到。

= =本來想練習句子..結果就變成作文了= =我寫給老師看的作文就大概像上面這樣...
我覺得我練習的不只是那六個耶!! 還有下面幾句


drop out of school 輟學

I will cut him.((看MadTV 中文翻譯寶咖咖 學的XD

There goes the alarm again.((某次英文演講第一句就是這個.. 我看我一生都忘不了了= =

  語言就是要拿來用~用得好玩用得悶而已  我是這樣覺得

  所以我會繼續努力寫出愛恨情仇多重關係複雜的 小說(而且要應用到作文上)的!!

((突然覺得我們英文老師真辛苦XD       以上~ 完畢



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天龍戰神鷹  我很贊同!再接再厲!多謝分享! ...  發表於 10-8-17 13:26 聲望 + 2 枚

  英文老師幫我批改完囉!接著會陸陸續續訂正本來打的部份。" "框起來就是要刪掉,=>就是要換成這些,沒有打" "就是另外加上這些字。

  A long "long" time ago,Antonio,"which"=>who was one of my favorite students,"were"=>was absent because of a mystery.At that day, I crept into my classroom, glancing round "everyone"=>it.I didn't "found" him, and then I started thinking "about" why he "were"=>was not present.

  First of all,my country was suffering an epidemic of rising unemployment because of the prosperous "rival"=>enemy country.I leapt to conclusion-- Antonio's father was deprived of his posistion,and the truth was always only one!So Antonio dropped out of the school.

  If my reason were to be true,the sun would rise in the west.

  Would that my country had not suffered it.If the situation should worsen,I will "cut"=>hack the "rival" president of our enemy state.

  There went the alarm again.Antonio "were" finally "present"=>arrived school.He were late as a result of traffic-block.
  鐘聲又響了。Antonio 最後出席了。他因為塞車而遲到。

結果這篇我是is are都沒分清楚XD who 跟 which都亂來@@


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A long time ago,Antonio,who is one of my favorite students,was absent due to a mysterious incident. On that day, I crept into the classroom, glancing around, I didn't see him. Then I started to think about why he was not present.

  First of all,my country was suffering though an epidemic of rising unemployment due to a prosperous countryl.I leapt to a conclusion-- Antonio's father was deprived of posistion,and there is only one result! Therefore, Antonio dropped out of the school.

  If my theory is correct, then the sun would rise from the west.

  Had my country had not suffered or if the situation should worsen,I will slice the rival president.

  There, the alarm went again. Antonio finally showed up.He was late as a result of traffic-block.
  鐘聲又響了。Antonio 最後出席了。他因為塞車而遲到。

你文章本身的劇情並沒有太大的文提 但是提醒你 你個故事太跳了

文法方面跟字選方面 也許是你的目前的致命傷 (說真的 我懷疑你老師的英文能力)

請看以下 我改的 跟改的原因:

A long long1 time ago,Antonio,which2 was3 one of my favorite students,were4 absent because of5 mystery6.At7 that day, I crept into my8 classroom, glancing round9 everyone10.I didn't found11 him, and then I started thinking12 about why he were4 not present.
    First of all,my country was3 suffering 13 an epidemic of rising unemployment because of5 prosperous rival14.I leapt to 15 conclusion-- Antonio's father was deprived of posistion,and the truth was always only one16!So17 Antonio dropped out of the school.
   If my reason18 were3 to be true19, 20 the sun would rise in21 the west.
  Would that22 my country had not suffered.If23 the situation should worsen,I will cut24 the rival president.
    There went the alarm25 again.Antonio were finally present26.He were late as a result of traffic-block.

我用英文解釋 (中文不太好>.<")
1. a long long time ago - you can either choose to use only one long or both.  The only difference is that a long, long time ago (notice the comma) is referring to a time that is way past, where as a long time ago, not too far.

2.which, who and whom.  It's harder to explain what they are used for, so i'll give u some examples:
  ie. John, who was a friend of mine, delivered a box, which includes serveral items,  to Cindy, whom is a best friend of John's, and gave her a hug.
notice that who is referring to urself, whom is referring to themselves and which is referring to an object.

3.past tense and present tense.  Antonio is STILL a favorite student therefore it is present. 2nd you have a reason to belive your theory is correct that is present because you JUST made that assumption. 3rd Is the country still going through a hard time or was the country going through a hard time.

4.was and were is a difference between 1 or more than 1.  Please be extra careful.

5. Word choice, instead of saying because of this, because of that.  It is best to use different ones, and trying to avoid using the word "because" in any essays or short stories.  It is more professional and broadens your mind to think about other word choices.  

6. Mystery:  The word originally came from the adjective Mysterious.  We generally use the word "mystery" in a sense of describing a person like a legend.  ie. he is a legend.  He is a mystery.  Therefore i changed it to mysterious to proply suit its use in the phrase you are applying to.

7. At that day or On that day.  A day is not a physical place.  It is not an object.  Therefore you can only say On that day.

8. Is the classroom really yours? If not then it is better to say the classroom

9. glancing round.  you are looking at a round object or are you looking around?

10. I choose to delete that word, because you are looking around not necessary only at the people. and it is just a little bit too much to add on.  

11. didn't found: when two past tense are put together it is very confusing as to which one is referring to which one.  better to use didn't find.

12. Started thinking, one is past tense one is present participal.  I don't know if your teacher realized this, but when they go together it is unprofessional, therefore i changed it to started to think.

13. I added a conjuction word to better flow your senentence "through"

14. You are right on using the word rival, but if you use rival, then it is better to continue using it through ur entire story.  Otherwise you will confuse the readers.

15. 1 conclusion? 2 conclusions? maybe 3 who knows? put your conjuctions in to make the readers clear about what you are expressing.

16. To be honest with you.  I didn't like that phrase at all.  This is not a comic book! So either tell the reader what the truth was? or you and rephrase it.

17. Again with the word choice: "So", " because", "in conclusion" these type of words are best not to be presented in an essay

18. reason? wat reason? you didn't explain wat reason.  neither did you explain a theory, but it is better to use theory than a reason, due to the fact that a theory is more of a logical thought than a reason.

19. Again word choice, i rather say correct then to be true.

20. Without the conjuction word, your sentence is a run-on sentence

21. So you can be "in" the west or "from" the west?

22. Would, Should, Had:  Had you have not done that, Would you had not done that, Should you had not done that.  Hey guess what they all have "had" why not shorten yourself that step!

23. You have 2 incomplete sentences, so just combine them, and it will be okay

24. Word choice again, but i still wouldn't use that kind of language in an essay. especially homework.

25.This is rephrasing, don't worry yours is fine, but i just rephrased it.

26. Count how many times you used "Present"  choose a different word, doesn't necessary have to be a big word, but suited.

希望大大可以讓我拭目以待 我期待妳的文章一天比一天好  加油

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