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- 註冊時間
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【軟體名稱】:DVDFab Passkey - Final
【檔案大小】:3.32 MB
【放置空間】:depositfiles/ mediafire/ x7.to

DVDFab Passkey 是一款可即時解除 DVD 影片和藍光 (Blu-ray) 光碟加密保護的軟體。對 DVD 而言,它能解除 DVD 的所有複製保護,如 CSS, CPPM, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs, ARccOS, RipGuard, FluxDVD, CORE X2 等等。至於藍光光碟,DVDFab Passkey 能解除所有已知的 AACS 和 BD+ 複製保護、區碼、BD-Live 和 UOPs。
DVDFab Passkey 可讓您用特定地區的 DVD 光碟機和播放軟體來觀看任何地區的 DVD 影片。它還可讓您不用 HDCP (高頻寬數位內容保護,High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection) 規格的顯示卡就能觀看藍光光碟。它亦可讓您使用任何軟體來存取未加密的 DVD 和藍光光碟的內容。

Changes in DVDFab Passkey (December 6, 2010):
* New: Added support for HD DVD.
* New: Added HD DVD options "Enabled HD DVD support", "Remove first play title", "Remove UOPs (User Operation Prohibitions)", "Remove parental restrictions" and "Remove all menus".
* New: Improved registration to work better with UAC on Windows Vista and above.
* New: Improved logic to re-scan disc when related settings changed.
* New: Some minor changes and improvements.
* New: Updated language files.
Passkey for DVD:
* New: Added support for two new copy protections as found on "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" (US).
* New: Improved "Jump to first menu when disc inserted" when PathPlayer is enabled.
Passkey for Blu-ray:
* Added "Blu-ray Players Region" support for TotalMedia Theatre 5.
* Fix: Blu-ray decryption problem in very special case.
Homepage - http://zh.dvdfab.com
