


【軟體名稱】:Rainlendar Pro 2.9 Build 110 Beta/ 2.8.1 Build 103 Final~免安裝
【檔案大小】:8.50 MB
【放置空間】:depositfiles/ mediafire

十分漂亮的桌面日曆,支援換膚功能,在 Win2k/XP 中可以顯示透明效果,還可以完全自訂顯示內容。還支援和網上的伺服器同步時間以及定制指定日期的事件等功能。新版本更增加了多種模版,Rainlendar只占用極少的系統資源,令你的桌面日曆更漂亮。

Rainlendar 是結合了月曆、行事曆、待辦事項及鬧鈴提醒的工作管理軟體,對於現代忙錄的工作者來說,不管是工作及時間的安排,或是工作的進程管理都會是一是個很好的幫手

    * 月曆顯示: 會以不同的顏色顯示有工作的日子,游標停在上面的時候會顯示工作內容
    * 行事曆 (事件),可設定開始及結束時間和該事件的分類
    * 待辦事項 (To Do List)
    * 匯入/匯出行事曆或是待辦事項
    * 可設定顯示/隱藏月曆、加入待辦事項等等功能的快速鍵

[2.9 Build 108] - 02 Jul 2011
o Smartly hidden windows got broken in the previous build and didn't appear anymore.
o Setting the standard tooltips for the window brought it to front on redraw. This mainly affected the to do list window.
o Alarm didn't make the timezone adjustment for all day events so they could be shown for incorrect day.
o Restoring the settings from a backup file on startup didn't actually use the backed up settings.
o Set predefined polling values for Google Calendar and Remember the Milk so that the server doesn't get flooded if you poll it too often.
o New events were written to the offline copy too late which could cause event and task duplication.
o Added "subtaskindent" for xml format skins which defines the indent for sub tasks.
o The last read time is adjusted to match the server's if your local time is in the future so that polling for changes doesn't miss anything.
Homepage - http://www.rainlendar.net/cms/index.php

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