

分區版主:charliell 整理分享    暴雪社區經理談D3,原文來自diablofans.com,我把全文翻譯如下,翻得不好請見諒,也希望大家指出翻譯中的錯誤~
  感謝D3cn  Necromancer和Rogland的部分翻譯   Diablo III Community Manager Bashiok offered a slight comment on Talent Tree respec possibilities in Diablo III, health globes functionality, and Loot mechanics. There arent plans for a Tank and Healer Classes according to Bashiok. Although Talent Respec wont be as flexible as in World of Warcraft, it may offer an alternative. How this will be implemented, is still unknown. It may change throughout development cycles. Regardless, it sounds like a good idea.
  暴雪社區經理Bashiok就D3中技能點重置的可能性、血球(就是打怪後掉落能補血的那個)的作用以及拾取物品掉落的機製作了一番簡單的評論。從Bashiok口中我們得知並沒有Tank或是治療職業的計畫。D3中的技能點重置不會像WOW中的洗天賦那麼靈活,但這能夠提供多一種選擇。但是如何實現仍然是個未知數。這一設計可能在遊戲研發過程中被改變,但聽起來的確是個好主意。   Talent Respec
  Bashiok: There will almost definitely be some sort of system to respec; however, it isnt likely to be as liberal as World of Warcraft. We dont want to lock a player into a system that punishes them for mistakes, experimenting, or lack of knowledge early on in the game. We also dont think a system that allows immediate, complete, and at-a-whim changes to a character spec matches the feel of Diablo. Its likely to be somewhere in between.
  That said we still feel like the desire to play the same class again that you may have played before is still a part of the game, and with some ability to respec could potentially require other incentives.
  Bashiok:  D3中幾乎肯定會有某種類似WOW洗天賦的系統;然而,這個系統的自由度可能低於WOW。我們不希望將玩家置於一個這樣一個系統中:由於玩家犯了錯誤(加錯技能點)或是在遊戲早期缺乏相關知識而受到懲罰。當然我們也不會允許可以短時間內徹底地或者由於一時衝動而改變人物技能屬性的重置系統--那不是暗黑破壞神的風格。其實這次的技能重置系統是介於以上兩者之間的。
  我們仍然認為重新建立以前你使用過的人物進行遊戲仍將是遊戲的一個部分,而新的技能重置系統可能會滿足玩家的對遊戲的更多樣要求。   Health Globes
  Bashiok: The health globes are actually, in my opinion, really cool. Playing the game and actually seeing what types of strategy they encourage, you can start to see what they add and how they make the combat more interesting.
  Ill set the scene. Youre a barbarian, youre in the wilderness and after fighting wave after wave of ghouls, skeletons, demons, what have you, youre low on health. Youre out of potions, and after using a strategic leap out of the fray you turn around and seismic slam the skeletons charging you. Two of them drop health globes, but the globes dropped behind the skeletons that are still advancing. If they reach you, youre not going to survive. Are you able to leap safely to snag the globes before they can tear into you? Can you throw out another slam and try to remove the remaining enemies? How can you survive? You have a fraction of a second to decide.
  The health globes help to create situations just like this, where youre not just sitting there spamming potions, youre using your abilities and strategy to stay alive. Possibly most importantly, youre encouraged to keep fighting, and not just run away.
  With random spawns, random drops, and of course the randomness of combat, the health globes add to creating situations that are just more... interesting, and in my opinion, fun.
  On the side of potions, they still exist, but theyre likely to be on a cooldown of some type. Theyll also likely restore health based on a percentage thats relative to your character. They may heal an instant amount, they may be the old over time type system. Theyre probably going to be filling an emergency-heal role more than anything though.
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