

大家期待很久的FAQ放出來了, 我第一時間進行了翻譯, 希望大家能夠對PC版有更多瞭解.
剛剛仔細問了一下, 第三方伺服器將不提供RANK檔案, 也就是說第三方伺服器都是非RANK伺服器不能升級.
Previously Confirmed:
-Lobby System
-Matchmaking with a Party
-Matchmaking for Public Games
-Steam Integration (Friends List, Server Browser,Achievements, Join on Friends)
-Steamworks 支援 (好友名單, 伺服器搜索, 成就, 加入朋友遊戲.)
-Dedicated Servers (Join your favorite or set up your own,without any 3rd party hosting requirements)
-第三方伺服器 (加入你喜歡的或者你自己的伺服器, 支援任何第三方的伺服器設備)
-In-game Server Browser that allows you to filter by ping, map, gametype, hardcore, voice, password, and more.
-遊戲內伺服器搜索系統支援你設定你想要的PING, 地圖, 遊戲類型, HC模式, 語音, 密碼, 等等等.
-More control over your experience like RCON, Custom Game Saving, NoGFX / Audio Card Requirement on DS.exe, Voice Chat, and SSAO.
-更多的關於RCON, 自定義遊戲, NoGFX/音效卡設定, 語音聊天, 甚至運用在Crysis2上的螢幕空間環境光遮蔽技術.
-PC players can fully customize their private / dedicated server games.
-Supported matchmaking as well as Dedicated Servers, allowing players to find and filter via an in-game server browser or set-up their own Dedicated Server for complete control, without being restricted by any 3rd party hosting requirements.
-在第三方伺服器上同樣支援配對系統, 使玩家更加方便的不通過第三方伺服器的一些限制來得到加入自己想要的伺服器和設定自己想要的伺服器過濾.
-Graphic options, including enablingand disabling of new rendering features such as SSAO, youll also be able to modify DOF, Shadows, Anti-Aliasing, Texture Resolution and more.
圖像設定, 加入了SSAO 運用在Crysis2上的螢幕空間環境光遮蔽技術, 你還能設定你的DOF, 影子品質, 抗鋸齒, 貼圖清晰度 等等等.
-Admin your server using RCON. Well support all things youd expect, such as Kicking & Banning players, map rotation, private chat to players, reloading the map, and more.
-使用RCON來管理你的伺服器,  RemoteCONsole, CS玩家應該很熟悉,這是用來管理伺服器的一個工具, RCON將支援, 踢人, 封人, 地圖轉換, 私聊, 地圖重載, 等等等.
- In-game Server Browser.
- 內建伺服器搜索器
-Anti-cheat and Security methods include: Steams VAC system, CEG, and our own propriety methods implemented to provide multiple layers of defense.
-反作弊工具將有Steam的VAC, CEG, 還有我們自己的即時線上審查系統, 並且提供GM線上. 多重保護合法玩家的利益.
-Integrated with Steamworks, including the Steam Friends List (in addition to the in-game friends list), Steam Server Browser (in addition to the in-game one), Steam Achievements.
-全面支援Steamworks, 包括Steam的好友列表, Steam的伺服器瀏覽器, Steam的成就.
-Setting Max FPS is not a user controllable option.
-設定最高FPS將不由玩家控制, 全平台保證不低於60FPS!
-Lean will NOT be included.
- 將不支援側身.
-Mod Tools will not be shipped at launch.
-模組工具將不在發售日發布, 將在遊戲發售之後發布.
Does the PC version of Modern Warfare 3 support the same Private Match options?
PC版本的MW3 支不支援和主機一樣的私人遊戲模式選項?
Yes! PC players can fully customize their private / dedicated server games through full control over Class Restrictions, Custom Gamemode creation, access to unique private match modes like One in the Chamber,Gun Game, and Infected, as well as save their custom games for future use.
是的! PC玩家將擁有完全的自定義私人伺服器和第三方伺服器遊戲. 包括裝備的選項, 自定義遊戲模式, 設定獨一無二的私人模式, 比如One in the Chamber, Gun Game, 和感染者遊戲類型, 並且可以保存這個模式用於以後的修改和再次使用.
Will Modern Warfare 3 have Dedicated Servers?
Yes! Modern Warfare 3 supported matchmaking as well as Dedicated Servers, allowing players to find and filter via an in-game server browser or set-up their own Dedicated Server for complete control, without being restricted by any 3rd party hosting requirements. If looking for a Dedicated Server to join, if you choose not to set up your own, you can filter and favorite by Ping, Map, Gametype, Hardcore Variants, Voice, Password, and many other options.
是的! MW3將支援配對和第三方伺服器, 在第三方伺服器上同樣支援配對系統, 使玩家更加方便的不通過第三方伺服器的一些限制來得到加入自己想要的伺服器和設定自己想要的伺服器過濾. 支援你設定你想要的PING, 地圖, 遊戲類型, HC模式, 語音, 密碼, 等等等.

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