


【軟體名稱】:Winamp Pro 5.623 Build 3199~可攜式
【檔案大小】:27.3 MB
【放置空間】:depositfiles/ mediafire/ rghost

極具盛名的媒體播放程式 - Winaamp,可讓我們透過它聆聽常見的音樂檔案,例如:MP3、MIDI、OGG、WMA、M4A…等,以及用以觀看影片檔案,例如:AVI、 MPEG、ASF、WMV、FLV…等。可自訂軟體面板,讓我們可依心情做軟體面板的調整。透過其 EQ 等化器,可讓我們將音樂,調整至一個適合我們的「味道」。若是播放 CD 時,更可透過網路下載 CD 的資訊,例如:歌手、專輯名稱、曲目名稱…等資訊。我們還可加裝外掛程式,以賦予 Winamp 擁有更強大的功能或是效果。

Winamp 5.623
* Fixed: mp3 decoding errors at end of file (should fix reported CD burning errors)
* Fixed: [aacdec] Detection of parametric stereo for AAC files made with older encoders
* Fixed: [enc_fhgaac] MP4 encoder not always closing on errors or aborted transfers
* Fixed: [in_avi] Crashing with certain malformed AVI files
* Fixed: [in_flac & in_mp4] Memory leaks
* Fixed: [in_mod] Bounds check for comments parsing
* Fixed: [pmp] Multithreaded race condition (now supports thread-safe transfers)
* Fixed: [pmp_android] Embedded album art being deleted on transfers
* Misc: More general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
* Updated: [enc_fhgaac] Fraunhofer AAC Encoder v3.2.4
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.2.5

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GMT+8, 25-3-12 13:39 , Processed in 0.016675 second(s), 15 queries , Gzip On.
