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【軟體名稱】:WinSnap 4.0.1/ WinSnap 3.5.7 ~ 免安裝
【檔案大小】:1.79 MB
【放置空間】:depositfiles/ mediafire/ rghost

工作時經常會需要擷取螢幕上的畫面嗎?如果使用 PrintScreen 按鈕來擷取,那麼後續的編輯動作可是很麻煩的。讓筆者推薦你試試這款 WinSnap ,保證你以後在擷取螢幕畫面時會變得輕鬆又容易。
WinSnap 是一款強力的螢幕擷取軟體,能夠讓您得心應手地擷取到需要的螢幕截圖。擷取圖像方式靈活,主要可以擷取整個螢幕、活動視窗、選定區域等,圖像輸出方式多樣,主要包括檔案、剪貼簿、和郵件。軟體具有設定擷取前延時、自定擷取快速鍵、圖像檔案自動按時間或模板命名、擷取成功聲音提示、預覽擷取圖片、圖像列印、圖像截記、圖像反色、反射、圖像翻轉、圖像旋轉等功能。擷取到的圖像能夠以儲存圖像檔案、複製到剪貼簿等多種方式輸出功能。

Changes in Version 4.0.1 (January 24, 2012):
* New major version of WinSnap with reworked UI
* Built-in image editor: arrows, rectangles, text annotations
* Capture native Aero shadows in Window and Application modes
* In-place color effects: grayscale, darken, lighten, sepia, invert
* Copy/paste images with transparency to Office 2010 and other apps
* Advanced file commands: open location, copy path, delete, rename
* Close to tray, minimize to tray, always on top commands
* Improved region selection: larger magnifier, crossing lines
* No support for Windows 2000, minimum – XP, recommended – Win7
* Tons of other improvements and fixes
Homepage - www.ntwind.com
