還在尋找燒錄光碟的程式嗎?嫌現有的燒錄軟體中,似乎少了些什麼:有的雖然簡單易用,但是功能稍嫌不足;或是軟體功能強大,但是只支援自家格式,其他格式都不支援?Alcohol 120% 整合了多種燒錄光碟時所需要的功能,你一定得試試~。
Supported OS: Intel/AMD based PC with Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/08/R2/XP Professional x64 Edition/Server 2003/08/R2 x64/Vista/Windows 7/ Windows 8 32x and 64x operating system.
Changes in version
- NEW Support for Windows 8 Consumer Preview
- NEW Improved Reading and Writing Engines
- NEW Enhanced System Reporting
- NEW Real Time Optical Drive support
- UPDATE SPTD 1.81 (supports Windows 8 customer preview)
- UPDATE VDriver updated to 4.44 (supports Windows 8 customer preview)
- UPDATE Installation script for Automount Service
- UPDATE Alcohol Audio Converter
- UPDATE Language Files
Changes in version
- UPDATE system report check
- FIX Problem with automatic version update check
Important to update to this latest version, if you already installed as you would not receive newer version notice Homepage - www.alcohol-software.com