若程式安裝完畢,未載入正確之語系檔,請在程式介面按下滑鼠右鍵再選擇(Language),再選擇 ChineseBig5.ini,即可正確載入繁體中文語系,而軟體介面,也將會從韓文變成繁體中文。
Changes in KMPlayer 3.5:
+ Supports FTP (Live streaming)
+ Supports HTTP, FTP subtitles.
+ Display Replay Progress function in TaskBar for Windows 7 & later version.
- Modified online subtitle search function.
- Fixed playback performance decline issue when too many bookmarks exist.
- Fixed display crack issue in libcodec(XviD) CODEC.
- Added video property setting function from EVR to H/W.
- Fixed Colorlevel in EVR(C/A)
- Fixed Memory Violation Error issue due to audio decoding.
- Improved playback starting speed of initial network file(http, ftp)
- Fixed video & audio sync issue when seeking in AVI file.
- Fixed MP4 encoding error issue.
- Modified MP4 file sync source parser.
- Fixed part of AC3 codec error issue.
- Fixed Interger overflow error
- Modified memory-related logic for MKV source filter.
- Fixed switching audio track issue 下載:KMPlayer 佈景主題 (Skin面板) Homepage - http://www.kmpmedia.net/