- 比"新增 / 刪除程式"快3倍! - 3個應用程式分類:軟體,系統和隱藏 - 移除系統啟動時自動執行的程式 - 3種應用程式排序方式:軟體名稱,佔用空間和安裝日期 - 可以刪除標準"新增/刪除程式"所不能刪除的程式 - 使用強制刪除可以卸載登錄檔中的相關項目 - 高亮顯示應用程式列表中的最近安裝的程式 - 快速搜索特性允許尋找您想要的任何應用程式 - 瀏覽到選定的程式的登錄檔項目,安裝目錄和它的程式網站 - 查看您電腦上安裝的某個程式的詳細訊息 - 易於使用並加上使用現代使用者界面,讓您使用Uninstall Tool更加舒適. - 多語言界面 - 可選替換"新增/安裝程序" - 以HTML方式輸出目前安裝的程式詳細報告 - 可以執行"Windows元件"和"新增/刪除程序". Changes in Uninstall Tool 3.3 (23 March 2013):
* NEW Tree-like display of applications updates with expand/collapse feature. By default parent items are collapsed but you can tune this feature in Preferences)
* NEW Choosing initial sorting criteria for the list programs. See preferences for Uninstaller
* NEW Windows 8 Compatibility, use of its selection theme for items
* NEW Crash report feature to allow users sending reports in case of critical errors
* IMPROVED Look & feel when using different DPI screen settings (125% etc)
* IMPROVED Improved algorithm of searching for program installation path and icon
* IMPROVED Improved drawing of application list, improved columns width for different languages
* IMPROVED Setup: option to keep traced items information when removing Uninstall Tool
* FIXED Fixed uninstalling of some 32-bit programs on 64-bit version of Windows
* FIXED Fixed sorting of list items in some cases
* FIXED Fixed some potentially weak places that may cause crash in some situations
* FIXED A log of small improvements and fixes Homepage - www.crystalidea.com