HyperSnap 7 是多用途的且極易使用。您可以快速地自訂選單和工具列以滿足您的需要。指派您自己的鍵盤快速鍵,建立便捷工具列,甚至用語音命令控制 HyperSnap!
Changes in HyperSnap 8.00.00 Beta 1, 2014.09.03:
* 64-bit version, allowing the use of the full potential of modern 64-bit computers. Capture and edit much bigger images, fit in memory more captures simultaneously opened in HyperSnap window for editing and processing. A 32-bit version is also available for use on 32-bit systems.
* Thumbnails list – select all or several of captured images and right-click – Save Selected – Each image to its own file: now prompts you for the folder and image format to save in, instead of as in v.7 automatically saving to the last used folder and file.
* Thumbnails list – select all or several of captured images and right-click: added new function “Email selected”, which will attach multiple images in selected file format to an empty email message.
* Wider lines when drawing shapes possible – under the “Line Style” tool, click “Wider Lines” menu item and type the new width in pixels.
* More “skins” under Setup ribbon tab – “Skin” button, including Office 2013 themes Homepage - www.hyperionics.com