HyperSnap 8 是多用途的且極易使用。您可以快速地自訂選單和工具列以滿足您的需要。指派您自己的鍵盤快速鍵,建立便捷工具列,甚至用語音命令控制 HyperSnap!
Changes in HyperSnap 8.01.01, 2014.09.26:
– Fix for running only a single instance of HyperSnap 8 64-bit by default, when clicking on its shortcut or opening image files with a double-click.
– Added option to prefer either PNG or JPEG file format, when dragging out images from the Thumbnails bar to any folder or other app accepting image file drop – see under Customize – Tabs. Homepage - www.hyperionics.com