


Velvet Revolver絕對是今年搖滾樂壇最大件事,絕對是全球媒體矚目焦點,絕對是搖滾迷心中渴望已久的超級組合,絕對是追逐西洋音樂的你不可錯收的經典專輯...,但,看似陌生的Velvet Revolver(以下簡稱VR)到底是何方神聖?

經過90年代隸屬Grunge界班霸樂團Soundgarden(音園)之主音Chris Cornell,與Nu-Metal界代表樂團Rage Against The Machine(討伐體制),相繼解體共組Audioslave(音魔)樂團造成轟動後,經過風風雨雨,最具80年代重金屬/硬式搖滾傳奇性樂團Gun N' Roses(槍與玫瑰),併入90年代Grunge樂勁旅Stone Temple Pilots(石廟嚮導)之主唱Scott Weiland,合組期待多時的夢幻超級樂團Velvet Revolver (絲絨左輪),將是全球樂迷望眼欲穿的重量級樂團!集結Gun N' Roses黃金樂手組合Slash(吉他手)、Duff McKagan(貝斯手)、Matt Sorum(鼓手)三位曾經搭檔共事的好夥伴,自從在槍與玫瑰時期那段不愉快的分家後(94年Slash離團,Duff和Matt97年離團),因為再一次的同台表演,勾起彼此想要再度合作的意願,緊接著加入擔任過Wasted Youth、 Electric Love Hogs、和Dave Navarro吉他手的Dave Kushner接觸,他是Slash高中時期的朋友,也曾經和Duff玩過幾年音樂,跟Slash超有默契!最後剩下主唱一職,讓他們傷透腦筋,最後由曾是槍與玫瑰超級歌迷的Scott Weiland加入後,終於塵埃落定,並著手為全新組合籌畫首張震撼歌壇的專輯,譜寫全新作品!

這是一張介於速度感及超級搖滾音波循環的威猛大碟!它是屬於經典重金屬的新世代,並反映出Beatles到Refused時期的影響,很明顯的槍與玫瑰和石廟嚮導也是融入的元素之一。在和一些製作人接觸後,VR決定與Josh Abraham(Korn、Limp Bizkit、Linkin Park、Staind)合作。他們覺得跟Josh一起做事很輕鬆,不會讓音樂聽來很假,像是三十幾歲過度包裝的超級搖滾樂團,更讓專輯裡的咆哮聲就像在現場表演一樣震撼!已作出60餘首歌的VR,篩選出13首最能散射強而有力的高搖滾能量之作!重溫久違已久Slash高超吉他Solo,在隆隆作響的吉他音牆穿繞,裹住Scott深具爆發力的威猛嗓音之開場作”Sucker Train Blues”;透著些許龐克音韻的”Do It For The Kids”,享受VR高速的搖滾飆奏!”Illegal 1”則結合STP時期Grunge的粗野不羈與厚實重搖滾音頻,令人大呼過癮!2003年先行收錄在《綠巨人浩克》電影原聲帶中之新作”Set Me Free”加值收錄其中;首發單曲”Slither”已攻入全美搖滾榜冠軍的位置,夠邪惡,夠挑釁,它能讓你感到爆發力,甚至讓你感受VR已準備好要戰鬥!除了滿載高能量的重搖滾因子外,仍有動聽不已的抒情小品”Fall To Pieces”、”You Got No Right”、”Loving The Alien”呈現,看到Velvet Revolver邪惡帶點華麗的現代搖滾,在消失已久的搖滾樂壇開始重生,他們具有爆炸性且壯麗的首次登台,將寫下一個帶有傳奇性的過去,和光明未來的搖滾樂隊全新的開始!

01. Sucker Train Blues - 4:27

Sucker Train Blues

Hands are shakin' got your finger on the trigger
Jesus ain't complain gonna figure it out
Somebody raped my tapeworm abortion
Come on motherfuckers and deliver the cow

Brain and body melting while there's roaches multiplying
It's the alien infectionn it's the coming of Christ
All these sentimental halos and these consequential angels
When I'm runnin' with the devil don't deliver the fight

Don't look at me now
Fell too fast your wings won't hold
Don't look at me now
Fell too fast your wings won't hold

Yeah and when I want to
Yeah I will find you
Yeah and when I want to
Yeah I will blind you

Brains are frying while the kings and queens are dying
Satan won the race and the miracle mile
Somebody raped my tapeworm abortion
Come on motherfuckers and deliver the cow

Brain and body melting while there's roaches multiplying
It's the alien infectionn it's the coming of Christ
All these sentimental halos and these consequential angels
When I'm runnin' with the devil don't deliver the fight

Don't look at me now
Fell too fast your wings won't hold
Don't look at me now
Fell too fast your wings won't hold

Yeah and when I want to
Yeah I will find you
Yeah and when I want to
Yeah I will blind you

It's all over me now
Let me go, let me go, let me go
What's come over me now
Let me go, let me go, let me go
It's all over me now
Let me go, let me go, let me go
What's come over me now

Johnny sat down beside the old oak tree
Cut off his hand what did he see
All of the animals are dead
The rats have crawled through his house and out through their head
One of them ate a hole in the sky
To believe this would be a fate worse than dying

Yeah and when I want to
Yeah I will find you
Yeah and when I want to
Yeah I will blind you

I will find you
I will blind you

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

02. Do It for the Kids - 3:55

Do It For The Kids

Went too fast I'm out of luck and I don't even give a fuck

I wanna be your manchild
Let's all go it hog-wild
She said I'll see you later
I always gravitate to her
Let's all meet at the station
No heavy concentration
We could all hook up there
The kids are all alright there

Should we go out later
Showtime for strangers

Dontcha give a fuck anymore now
She's givin' up on you now
Do it for the kids they say
It ain't about you anyway
I say we're all grown up now
And sex ain't so safe now
It's all in the groove they say
Doesn't matter anyway

Should we go out later
Showtime for strangers
Should we go out later
Showtime for strangers

Keep me runnin' like a deer in the headlights
All for nothing I thought
Just the ransom I had bought
About the day I tried to tame her
Never tried to blame her
Just a game that I had bought

Let's all meet at the station
No heavy concentration
The kids are all alright there
Went too fast I'm out of luck and I don't even give a fuck

Should we go out later
Showtime for strangers
Should we go out later
Showtime for strangers

Should we go (should we go) out later
(Went too fast I'm out of luck and I don't even give a fuck)
Showtime (showtime) for strangers
(Went too fast I'm out of luck and I don't even give a fuck)
Should we go (should we go) out later
(Went too fast I'm out of luck and I don't even give a fuck)
Showtime (showtime) for strangers
(Went too fast I'm out of luck and I don't even give a fuck)

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

03. Big Machine - 4:25

Big Machine

I don't know
Because she says so
He's a faggot boy
The TV says so
He's a junkie piece of shit because he says so
All that first-class jet set brings me down, down, down
All that first-class drug shit brings me down, down, down

It's a big machine, it's a big machine
We're all slaves to a big machine
It's a big machine, it's a big machine
We're all slaves to a big machine
All tied up to a big machine
I got houses
Got cars
I got a wife
I got kids
Got money in the bank

Get away without borders
I'm a slave, New World Order
I guess I chose to be
I guess I chose to be
I guess I chose to be
I guess I chose to be

All that first-class jet set brings me down, down, down
All that first-class drug shit brings me down, down, down

It's a big machine, it's a big machine
We're all slaves to a big machine
It's a big machine, it's a big machine
We're all slaves to a big machine
All tied up to a big machine
I got houses
Got cars
I got a wife
I got kids
Got money in the bank

Hope I teach my son how to be a man
Now before he hits 35
Comic book lives don't really have any real life do they now
Hope I teach my son how to be a man
Now before he hits 35
Comic book lives don't really have any real life do they now

I don't know
Because she says so
He's a faggot boy
The TV says so
He's a junkie piece of shit because he says so
All that first-class jet set brings me down, down, down
All that first-class drug shit brings me down, down, down

It's a big machine, it's a big machine
We're all slaves to a big machine
It's a big machine, it's a big machine
We're all slaves to a big machine
All tied up to a big machine
I got houses
Got cars
I got a wife
I got kids
Got money in the bank

We're all slaves to a big machine
We're all slaves to a big machine
We're all slaves to a big machine
We're all slaves to a big machine

It's a big machine, it's a big machine
We're all slaves to a big machine
It's a big machine, it's a big machine
We're all slaves to a big machine
All tied up to a big machine
I got houses
Got cars
I got a wife
I got kids
Got money in the bank

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

04. Illegal I Song - 4:17

Illegal i Song

One fine day
I'll settle down
When you bloody me
I ran aground
With my broken face
And fisticuff
Fuck the rest and
All their stuff

I - Don't - Anymore
I - Don't - Anymore

Just look and you'll
See me
Lying there
Lying there
Just look and you'll
See me
Lying there

Another way
A battle ground
A ready teller whore
Who makes no sound
Keep the money bitch
Keep the stuff
Fly around the world
And keep it up

I - Don't - Anymore
I - Don't - Anymore

Just look and you'll
See me
Lying there
Lying there
Just look and you'll
See me
Lying there

It's killing time on the streets
All hate Sunday

Just look and you'll
See me
Lying there
Lying there
Just look and you'll
See me
Lying there

Just look and you'll
See me
Lying there
Lying there
Just look and you'll
See me
Lying there

Just look and you'll

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

05. Spectacle - 3:41


Take two to break and three to go
Hold me back you spectacle (
Mother Fucker yeah)
Kick me down with broken bones
You picked a fight now stand your ground

You talk about it
Don't know what you want
In the back of someone else's car

You write the list
Well write me off
Rocket bitch is blasting off
(Right on target yeah)
Boots laced up I'm here to go
In the end I'll stand alone

You talk about it
Don't know what you want
In the back of someone else's car

You lied about it
Bled another heart
Then began to fall apart

It rains and you fall back down again
It begins to rain
and I'll knock you right back down again
You incessant bitch
you lied in wait for the last time now
I'm standing now
I'm standing now

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

06. Fall to Pieces - 4:30

Fall To Pieces

It's been a long year
Since you've been gone
I've been alone here
I've grown old
I fall to pieces, I'm falling
Fell to pieces and I'm still falling

Every time I'm falling down
All alone I fall to pieces

I keep a journal of memories
I'm feeling lonely, I can't breathe
I fall to pieces, I'm falling
Fell to pieces and I'm still falling

All the years I've tried
With more to go
Will the memories die
I'm waiting
Will I find you
Can I find you
We're falling down
I'm falling

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

07. Headspace - 3:42


I'm a man
Who is trudging
Best I can
Through a minefield
Built to blast
Can I make it
Will I last

Free my mind, levitate
Don't let any of those fuckers
in my headspace

Let me be
No more questions
No more needs
You're the cancer
You're the leech
Sent to bleed me
Of disease

Free my mind, levitate
Don't let any of those fuckers
in my headspace
Let me go my own way
Burn the rest of them
that try to keep me enchained

Living taking chances
Isn't all that it's meant to be
Dying with your face on
A t-shirt isn't all that original

I'm the man
Will I make it
Will I last

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

08. Superhuman - 4:15


I'm a superman
I wanna be your superman
I'm a superman
I wanna be your superman

What you get is a crash course
to be a man
But a man is a destination never known
Sometimes dressed up
like a red hot lady in pumps
Don't think she can get enough

Always feel like she's runnin
on a hamster wheel
Getting high, crashing cars
and makin mistakes
Keepin her face packed with cocaine
Her face is numb your faith is gone

I'm travelin on now
I'm makin plans now


Keep it comin in a world
that's blown up wild
Keep it comin in a world
that's bred her style
We're all runnin from the goose
she's high on cocaine
There's a noose swimmin
right between her legs to her brain

We're all in need of a superhuman woman now
We're all in need of a superhuman woman now
So rodeo, rodeo, rodeo, rodeo
Throw the rope around her neck
and get the show on the road

What's she thinking
She'll never get enough

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

09. Set Me Free - 4:07

Set Me Free

You operate and motivate
on synthetic fuel
You're mother nature
and an atom bomb
As long as you're kept full
of pretty bodies
Your little secret
will be safe with me

Around again
Insane again
It comes again
And sets me free

So set me free, set me free
'Cause I think you need my soul
Set me free, set me free

You're kept alive and polarized
with one thing in mind
Metabolize everything that you see
But now and then or a little later
Now I'm gonna take you down with me

Around again
Insane again
She comes again
And sets me free

[Chorus- 2 times]
So set me free, set me free
'Cause I think you need my soul
Set me free, set me free

[Bridge- 2 times]
So take me down
Take me, down, down, down, down
Take me down, take me down

[Chorus- 4 times]
So set me free, set me free
'Cause I think you need my soul
Set me free, set me free

My freedom!

That's a wrap!

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

10. You Got No Right - 5:35

You Got No Right

fell through the ice
She won't be coming back again
It never wins to lie
She said you'll never have no rights

I've took it farther on the outside
I've took it nearly to the brink
And if you've seen me on the outside
You would have barely seen me breathe

Funny right here I find myself
Inside a paper cup
Without a warning or a reason it's a treason
With no answer

You got no right
To keep me waiting here
You got no right
To keep the pain in here
That holds the crown

And if I fall apart on the outside
(You really don't believe me)
And if I take it to the brink
And if I fall apart on the outside
(You really don't believe me)
You would have barely seen me breathe

And if I meet you out tonight
Will you be loving me forever
It's always over after the night
It's always colder after the night
I broke through the ice
She won't be coming back again
It's been a year and a night

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

11. Slither - 4:08



When you look you see right through me
Cut the rope and fell to my knees
Fallen, broken
Every single time

Always keep me under finger
That's the spot where you went to me
Might see some tight of pleasure
In my mind

Yeah, here comes the water
It comes to wash away the sin of you and I
This time
You'll see

When you seek me you'll destroy me
Rape my mind and smell the coffees
Bone and blood every single time
Always keep me under finger
That's the spot where you might linger
Might see some type of pleasure in my mind

Yeah, here comes the water
It comes to wash away the sin of you and I
This time
You'll see
That only water
It only burns you faster than you'd ever dry
This time with me
With meeee...

[Guitar solo]

When you look you see right through me
Cut the rope and fell to my knees
Fallen, bloody every single time
Yeah... here comes the water
It comes to wash the sins of you and I
This time, they say
That only water
It only burns you faster
than you'd ever dry this time
With me


#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

12. Dirty Little Thing - 3:57

Dirty Little Thing

Can't stop thinkin musta been trippin this evening
My mind is racing demons and all of my feelings are numb

Yeah and when I roll with my head in the wind
And I feel like the king of the
Dead men wishin they had gotten together with you girl
But you're a dirty little liar with a message of obsession to come

You got your head in the clouds and your world's upside down
Get away from the life you're living
Get away from the man that's stealing your life
Get away from the drugs you're taking
Get away from the film of sex in your life

Can't stop drinking I'm cold kicking and bleeding
The wine is numbing feelings and all of my memories are gone

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

13. Loving the Alien - 8:20

Loving The Alien(Sometimes)

Sometimes I think I'm scared
Sometimes I know
I feel like making love
Sometimes I don't
I feel like letting go
Maybe not
I feel like giving up
Is all we got

Sometimes is all the time
And never means maybe
Sometimes is all the time

And I'm moving on
And I'm moving on (Sometimes I feel alone)
And I'm moving on
And I'm moving on

Sometimes I make believe
When we're alone
Machines have taken hold
Can you get me to a telephone
It's just the little things
You used to see
Am I still that man who makes you who you want to be

I never noticed
How lovely were the aliens
Lovely were the aliens
I never noticed
Lovely were the aliens
Lovely were the aliens

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB'

14.Bodies 3:19

[ 本文最後由 右尹瀾弓 於 07-10-10 11:00 AM 編輯 ]
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