

Woke From Dreaming

Woke from dreaming but it took convincing
I was shaking screaming I was still alive
And you were picking strangers by the side of roadways
Little little let the danger unfold

You can do what you do if you think you’ll take it
You can do what you do if you are that way inclined

Suffer with silk as the pressure’s tighter
You have skin pale as milk with the pressure on
My heart is getting heavy and my hands are weak now
Hatred lifting and I’ll start to weep now

You can do what you do if you think you’ll take it
You can do what you do if you are that way inclined

Just for a moment can we take a little time
Just stop for a moment can we make this moment mine
I’ve tried to let go but I’ve never had much to say
Take a day take them all now

Just for a moment can we take a little time
Just stop for a moment can we look inside this mind
We try to control but we never quite know what’s there
We will kill if we need to

Gunslinger Girl 第7集一開始在片頭曲之後的插曲 我只聽到這首歌的一半
大概是版本不同 聽說外國版本的Gunslinger Girl以這首歌作為片尾曲

註:文章經過改動: 我只找到試聽版

如果情況允許 我想求歌T_T
當你感受到世界離你而去 不如你捨棄這個世界
假裝流淌著黑色的血液 把心塗成黑色…


   在眼中的世界 好像悄悄的起了變化。
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