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- 06-1-16
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- 註冊時間
- 04-10-31
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Support for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP
High performance and visual quality
Easy interface with context menu
Standard playback functions like play, pause, stop, seek, volume, balance, repeat, shuffle and others controls
Playback Rate
Time/Frames and Elapsed/Remaining display mode
Window, Fullscreen and Desktop mode playing
Aspect Ratio (customizable)
Color Controls (Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation, ...)
Movie information
Digital Zoom
On Screen Display
Open directory
Movie Profiles
Playlist Editor
Enhanced Subtitles engine supporting 59 formats
Multiple Subtitles files support
Subtitle tags
Subtitle delay
Multiple audio streams support (internal and external)
DeDynamic Support
Drag And Drop Support
Language file Support
Enhanced Skin support
Audio CD support
VideoCD Support
Super VideoCD Support
DVD Support
WinLIRC Support
Video Mixing Renderer 9 Support
Video Mixing Renderer 7 Support
Incomplete AVI file playback Support
Custom graph building
INI files Support (movies in one or multiple CDs)
Command line Support
Current list of supported formats:
Advanced SubStation Alpha (*.ass)
AQTitle (*.aqt)
Captions 32 (*.txt)
Captions DAT (*.dat)
Captions DAT Text (*.dat)
Captions Inc. (*.txt)
Cheetah (*.asc)
CPC-600 (*.txt)
DKS Subtitle Format (*.dks)
DVD Junior (*.txt)
DVD Subtitle System (*.txt)
DVDSubtitle (*.sub)
FAB Subtitler (*.txt)
IAuthor Script (*.txt)
Inscriber CG (*.txt)
JACOSub 2.7+ (*.jss; *.js)
Karaoke Lyrics LRC (*.lrc)
Karaoke Lyrics VKT (*.vkt)
KoalaPlayer (*.txt) (equal to one of the variations of TMPlayer)
MAC DVD Studio Pro (*.txt)
MacSUB (*.scr)
MicroDVD (*.sub)
MPlayer (*.mpl)
MPlayer2 (*.mpl)
MPSub (*.sub)
OVR Script (*.ovr)
Panimator (*.pan)
Philips SVCD Designer (*.sub)
Phoenix Japanimation Society (*.pjs)
Pinnacle Impression (*.txt)
PowerDivX (*.psb)
PowerPixel (*.txt)
QuickTime Text (*.txt)
RealTime (*.rt)
SAMI Captioning (*.smi)
Sasami Script (*.s2k)
SBT (*.sbt)
Sofni (*.sub)
Softitler RTF (*.rtf)
SonicDVD Creator (*.sub)
Sonic Scenarist (*.sst)
Spruce DVDMaestro (*.son)
Spruce Subtitle File (*.stl)
Stream SubText Player (*.sst)
Stream SubText Script (*.ssts)
SubCreator 1.x (*.txt)
SubRip (*.srt)
SubSonic (*.sub)
SubStation Alpha (*.ssa)
SubViewer 1.0 (*.sub)
SubViewer 2.0 (*.sub)
TMPlayer (*.txt) (five different variations)
Turbo Titler (*.txt)
ViPlay Subtitle File (*.vsf)
ZeroG (*.zeg)
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