留言板在地圖左下的Minioplis Chronicle,在有主角名字的紙條上提示去調查博物館附近的灌木叢。調查地圖右上角的博物館外灌木,得到Slip of Paper,上面提示說主角尋找的答案在墓地中。進入墓地深處,調查最左側的墓碑得到Scrap of Paper,上面提示說需要另外一根帽子上的羽毛。帽子上有羽毛的不就是Berkeley嗎?把紙條拿給他看,他就露出了本來面目,原來他跟Giuseppi等人是一夥的!他囑托主角把Mysterious Briefcase交給Giuseppi,他卻不知道我們的主角其實早就另有打算。
Give the "Mysterious Briefcase" to Det.Dan
Give the "Rigged Briefcase" to Giuseppi
1、If you wrote and directed a movie based on your life,what would the title be?
King of Miniopolis
Computer Daze
Bright Lights,Big Wallet
My Guitar Hero
決定Rep Group,從上至下分別對應Streeties(街頭小子)、Nerdies(書獃子)、Richies(富裕者)、Artsies(藝術家)
2、It's Friday nigth and you don't have to work!what are your plans?
Pizza and games!
Stay home and sleep
Prank call people
從上至下分別對應Eager Eager Hippo、Inzombiac、Nemesis
3、What's the first thing you do when you get home from school?
Dring a gallon of OJ
Play some street ball
Navigate to the mall
從上至下分別對應Little Piddly Diddle、Sweet Smell、Sell Out
4、You just bought a set of turntables and now you need a stage name.What name best suits you?
DJ Chilly Pie
DJ krazy Klaw
DJ Smooth Money
從上至下分別對應Play it off、Mantis Rapture、All UP Ons
5、What's the quickest way to get intoan exclusive dance club?
Show off your bling
Tell some jokes
Outwit the bouncer
從上至下分別對應G'd up、Jibba Jabba、Nerd Level 5